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Literary Theory & Movements

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The Tain

Unafraid to be: A Christian Study of Contemporary English Writing (Pocketbooks)

By Etchells, Ruth

The Arthurian Legends: An illustrated Anthology

By Barber, Richard

Myths and Legends of the British Isles (0)

By Barber, Richard

Legends of Arthur

By Barber, Richard

Spiritual Quest of Francis Wagstaffe

By Wagstaffe, Francis, Forward, Toby, Johnson, David, Ryan, John

Moliere: "L'Ecole des Femmes" (Glasgow Introductory Guides to French Literature)

By Peacock, Noel A.

Sartre: "Les Mains Sales" (Glasgow Introductory Guides to French Literature)

By Reed, Paul

Glasgow Introductory Guides to French Literature: Maupassant: Boule de Suif

By Chaplin, P E, Maupassant, Guy de

Glasgow Introductory Guides to French Literature: Anouilh: Becket

By Smyth, Edmund J.

Colette: "Le Ble en Herbe" (Glasgow Introductory Guides to French Literature)

By Duffy, Jean H.

Zola: "Assommoir" (Glasgow Introductory Guides to French Literature)

By Clark, Roger

Illusion and Reality

By Caudwell, Christopher

The Chester Mystery Cycle: New Staging Text

By Burns, Edward, Burns

Reading Between the Lines: Claude Simon and the Visual Arts: 2 (Modern French Writers)

By Duffy, Jean

Gothic Feminism: The Professionalization of Gender from Charlotte Smith to the Brontes

By Diane Long Hoeveler

House Beautiful: Oscar Wilde and the Aesthetic Interior

By Charlotte Gere

Mediaeval Siege (Sentinel S.)

By Jeffreys, Steven

C.S.Lewis: The Man and His Achievement

By Peters, J.

William Wordsworth

By Sands, Ronald

A Closer Look at Harry Potter: Bending and Shaping the Minds of Our Children

By Houghton, John

New Approaches to Coleridge: Biographical and Critical Essays (Critical Studies)

Form in Modern Poetry

By Read, Herbert

Benjamin the Waggoner (The Cornell Wordsworth)

By William Wordsworth


By La Fontaine, Jean De, Commager, L.

Selected Writings (Fyfield Books)

By Raleigh, Sir Walter, Hammond, Gerald

Stranger and Afraid - Autobiography of an Intellectual

By Fraser, G. S.

Selected Poems (Fyfield Books)

By Algernon Charles Swinburne

Verrines: Bk.2 Pt.1 (Classical Texts) (Aris & Phillips Classical Texts)

By Marcus Tullius Cicero, Thomas N. Mitchell

History of English Affairs: Bk. 1 (Classical Texts): Book 1 (Aris & Phillips Classical Texts)

By Walsh, Peter, Kennedy, M. J.