books by subject
Literary Theory & Movements

The Tain

Unafraid to be: A Christian Study of Contemporary English Writing (Pocketbooks)

The Arthurian Legends: An illustrated Anthology

Myths and Legends of the British Isles (0)

Legends of Arthur

Spiritual Quest of Francis Wagstaffe

Moliere: "L'Ecole des Femmes" (Glasgow Introductory Guides to French Literature)

Sartre: "Les Mains Sales" (Glasgow Introductory Guides to French Literature)

Glasgow Introductory Guides to French Literature: Maupassant: Boule de Suif

Glasgow Introductory Guides to French Literature: Anouilh: Becket

Colette: "Le Ble en Herbe" (Glasgow Introductory Guides to French Literature)

Zola: "Assommoir" (Glasgow Introductory Guides to French Literature)

Illusion and Reality

The Chester Mystery Cycle: New Staging Text

Reading Between the Lines: Claude Simon and the Visual Arts: 2 (Modern French Writers)

Gothic Feminism: The Professionalization of Gender from Charlotte Smith to the Brontes

House Beautiful: Oscar Wilde and the Aesthetic Interior

Mediaeval Siege (Sentinel S.)

C.S.Lewis: The Man and His Achievement

William Wordsworth

A Closer Look at Harry Potter: Bending and Shaping the Minds of Our Children

New Approaches to Coleridge: Biographical and Critical Essays (Critical Studies)

Form in Modern Poetry
Benjamin the Waggoner (The Cornell Wordsworth)

Selected Writings (Fyfield Books)

Stranger and Afraid - Autobiography of an Intellectual

Selected Poems (Fyfield Books)

Verrines: Bk.2 Pt.1 (Classical Texts) (Aris & Phillips Classical Texts)