books by subject
Literature & Fiction

John Banville's Narcissistic Fictions: The Spectral Self

Hawthorne, Gender, and Death: Christianity and Its Discontents

The Reenchantment of Nineteenth-Century Fiction: Dickens, Thackeray, George Eliot and Serialization

New Essays on the African American Novel: From Hurston and Ellison to Morrison and Whitehead

Virgin and Veteran Readings of Ulysses

A Katherine Mansfield Chronology

The Woman's Historical Novel: British Women Writers, 1900-2000

Virginia Woolf's Ethics of the Short Story

Early Modern Authorship and Prose Continuations: Adaptation and Ownership from Sidney to Richardson

William Cobbett, the Press and Rural England: Radicalism and the Fourth Estate, 1792-1835

A Counter-History of Crime Fiction: Supernatural, Gothic, Sensational

Lawrence's England: The Major Fiction, 1913-20

A Conrad Chronology

Urban Enlightenment and the Eighteenth-Century Periodical Essay: Transatlantic Retrospects

Bringing Light to Twilight: Perspectives on a Pop Culture Phenomenon

Agatha Christie: Power and Illusion

Satire and Secrecy in English Literature from 1650 to 1750

Ginn New Reading 360: Set of four plays for Key Stage 1 (The one that got away/ Stranger danger?/ The Pied Piper of Hamelin/ Birthday Surprise)

The Mills & Boon Modern Girl's Guide to: Happy Hour: How to have Fun in Dry January (Mills & Boon A-Zs, Book 2)

Philosophical Works including the works on vision (Everyman's Classics S.)

Political theory

Movies of the Eighties

The Last Victim: A True-life Journey into the Mind of the Serial Killer

The Mismeasure of Man

I See

The Changeling (New Mermaids)

Science of Yoga: The Story of Li Kuang Shi

The Ghost Agent

Golf is not a Game of Perfect