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Materials Science

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Handbook of Composites

By Peters, S.T.

Principles of Polymer Chemistry

By Ravve, A.

Nanoimprint Lithography: An Enabling Process for Nanofabrication

By Zhou, Weimin

X-rays for Archaeology

By Uda, M., Demortier, G., Nakai, I.

Engineering with Fibre-Polymer Laminates

By Powell, Peter C., P. C.

Analysis of Rubber and Rubber-like Polymers

By M.J Loadman, M.John R. Loadman

Polypropylene: An A-Z reference: 2 (Polymer Science and Technology Series, 2)

By Karger-Kocsis, J.

Durability of Polymer Based Composite Systems for Structural Applications

By Cardon, A. H., Verchery, G.

Engineering Polymers

By Dyson, R.W.

Synthetic Polymers: Technology, properties, applications

By Feldman, D., Barbalata, A.

The Seventh International Conference on Vibration Problems ICOVP 2005: 05-09 September 2005, Istanbul, Turkey: 111 (Springer Proceedings in Physics, 111)

By Inan, Esin, Kiris, Ahmet

Non-Equilibrium Phase Transitions: Volume 1: Absorbing Phase Transitions (Theoretical and Mathematical Physics)

By Henkel, Malte, Hinrichsen, Haye, Lubeck, Sven

Optical Data Storage: Phase-change media and recording: 4 (Philips Research Book Series, 4)

By Meinders, Erwin R., Mijiritskii, Andrei V., Pieterson, Liesbeth van, Wuttig, Matthias

Acoustic Metamaterials: Negative Refraction, Imaging, Lensing and Cloaking: 166 (Springer Series in Materials Science, 166)

By Craster, Richard V., Guenneau, SEBASTIEN

The Mixing of Rubber

By Grossman, R.F.

Advances in Italian Mechanism Science: Proceedings of the Second International Conference of IFToMM Italy: 68 (Mechanisms and Machine Science, 68)

By Carbone, Giuseppe, Gasparetto, Alessandro

Advances in Service and Industrial Robotics: Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Robotics in Alpe-Adria Danube Region (RAAD 2018): 67 (Mechanisms and Machine Science, 67)

By Aspragathos, Nikos A., Koustoumpardis, Panagiotis N., Moulianitis, Vassilis C.

Fibre Science and Technology: 5 (Soviet Advanced Composites Technology Series, 5)

By Kostikov, V.I.

Thermoplastics: Directory and Databook

By Bashford, D.P.

Structural Adhesives: Directory and Databook

By Hussey, R.J., Wilson, Josephine

Advanced Technical Ceramics Directory and Databook

By Hussey, Robert John, Wilson, Josephine

Polymer Microscopy (Advances in Social Cognition; 9)

By Sawyer, L.C., Grubb, D.

Polymer Physics

By Gedde, U.W.

Explorations in Quantum Computing (Texts in Computer Science)

By Williams, Colin P.

Glassy, Amorphous and Nano-Crystalline Materials: Thermal Physics, Analysis, Structure and Properties: 8 (Hot Topics in Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 8)

By Šesták, Jaroslav, Mares, Jiří J., Hubík, Pavel

The Ageing of Materials and Structures: Towards Scientific Solutions for the Ageing of Our Assets

By van Breugel, Klaas, Koleva, Dessi, Beek, Ton van

The Practical Use of Fracture Mechanics

By Broek, D.

Viscosity of Liquids: Theory, Estimation, Experiment, and Data

By Viswanath, Dabir S., Ghosh, Tushar K., Prasad, Dasika H.L., Dutt, Nidamarty V.K., Rani, Kalipatnapu Y.

Emerging Energetic Materials: Synthesis, Physicochemical, and Detonation Properties

By Viswanath, Dabir S., Ghosh, Tushar K., Boddu, Veera M.

Recent Progress in the Mechanics of Defects

By Bigoni, Davide, Deseri, Luca