books by subject
Mathematical Modelling

The Many Faces of Elastica: 3 (Forum for Interdisciplinary Mathematics, 3)

Numerical Analysis and Optimization: An Introduction to Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Simulation (Numerical Mathematics and Scientific Computation)

Feynman-Kac Formulae: Genealogical and Interacting Particle Systems with Applications (Probability and Its Applications)

Linear and Nonlinear Programming: 116 (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science, 116)

Mathematical Models of Financial Derivatives (Springer Finance)

Block C: Prediction, the Ever-changing World

Angular Momentum in Geophysical Turbulence: Continuum Spatial Averaging Method

Data-Driven Numerical Modelling in Geodynamics: Methods and Applications (SpringerBriefs in Earth Sciences)

Distributed Hydrological Modelling: 22 (Water Science and Technology Library, 22)

Nonstationarities in Hydrologic and Environmental Time Series: 45 (Water Science and Technology Library, 45)

Advanced Numerical Modeling and Data Assimilation Techniques for Tropical Cyclone Predictions

Advances in Applied Mathematics, Modeling, and Computational Science: 66 (Fields Institute Communications, 66)

Transactions on Engineering Technologies: Special Volume of the World Congress on Engineering 2013

Challenges in Fluid Dynamics: A New Approach

Problems in Classical Electromagnetism: 157 Exercises with Solutions

PGD-Based Modeling of Materials, Structures and Processes (ESAFORM Bookseries on Material Forming)

Computational Modelling of Bifurcations and Instabilities in Fluid Dynamics: 50 (Computational Methods in Applied Sciences, 50)

Game Theory for Managing Security in Chemical Industrial Areas (Advanced Sciences and Technologies for Security Applications)

Product Research: The Art and Science Behind Successful Product Launches

Handbook of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

IUTAM: A Short History

Dynamics of Tree-Type Robotic Systems: 62 (Intelligent Systems, Control and Automation: Science and Engineering, 62)

Cognitive Architectures: 94 (Intelligent Systems, Control and Automation: Science and Engineering, 94)

Spatio-Temporal Modeling of Nonlinear Distributed Parameter Systems: A Time/Space Separation Based Approach: 50 (Intelligent Systems, Control and Automation: Science and Engineering, 50)

Homogeneous Turbulence Dynamics

Teaching Mathematical Modelling: Connecting to Research and Practice (International Perspectives on the Teaching and Learning of Mathematical Modelling)

Analysis and Modeling of Coordinated Multi-neuronal Activity: 12 (Springer Series in Computational Neuroscience, 12)

Quantifiers, Quantifiers, and Quantifiers: Themes in Logic, Metaphysics, and Language: 373 (Synthese Library, 373)

The Application of Neural Networks in the Earth System Sciences: Neural Networks Emulations for Complex Multidimensional Mappings: 46 (Atmospheric and Oceanographic Sciences Library, 46)