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Mathematical Modelling

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The Many Faces of Elastica: 3 (Forum for Interdisciplinary Mathematics, 3)

By Mladenov, Ivaïlo M., Hadzhilazova, Mariana

Numerical Analysis and Optimization: An Introduction to Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Simulation (Numerical Mathematics and Scientific Computation)

By Allaire, Gregoire

Feynman-Kac Formulae: Genealogical and Interacting Particle Systems with Applications (Probability and Its Applications)

By Del Moral, Pierre

Linear and Nonlinear Programming: 116 (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science, 116)

By Luenberger, David G., Ye, Yinyu

Mathematical Models of Financial Derivatives (Springer Finance)

By Kwok, Yue-Kuen

Block C: Prediction, the Ever-changing World

Angular Momentum in Geophysical Turbulence: Continuum Spatial Averaging Method

By Nikolaevskiy, Victor N.

Data-Driven Numerical Modelling in Geodynamics: Methods and Applications (SpringerBriefs in Earth Sciences)

By Ismail-Zadeh, Alik, Korotkii, Alexander, Tsepelev, Igor

Distributed Hydrological Modelling: 22 (Water Science and Technology Library, 22)

By Abbott, Michael B., Refsgaard, Jens Christian

Nonstationarities in Hydrologic and Environmental Time Series: 45 (Water Science and Technology Library, 45)

By Rao, A.R., Hamed, K.H., Huey-Long Chen

Advanced Numerical Modeling and Data Assimilation Techniques for Tropical Cyclone Predictions

By Mohanty, U.C., Gopalakrishnan, Sundararaman.G.

Advances in Applied Mathematics, Modeling, and Computational Science: 66 (Fields Institute Communications, 66)

By Melnik, Roderick, Kotsireas, Ilias S.

Transactions on Engineering Technologies: Special Volume of the World Congress on Engineering 2013

By Yang, Gi-Chul, Ao, Sio-Iong, Gelman, Len

Challenges in Fluid Dynamics: A New Approach

By Zeytounian, R.Kh.

Problems in Classical Electromagnetism: 157 Exercises with Solutions

By Macchi, Andrea, Moruzzi, Giovanni, Pegoraro, Francesco

PGD-Based Modeling of Materials, Structures and Processes (ESAFORM Bookseries on Material Forming)

By Chinesta, Francisco, Cueto, Elias

Computational Modelling of Bifurcations and Instabilities in Fluid Dynamics: 50 (Computational Methods in Applied Sciences, 50)

By Gelfgat, Alexander

Game Theory for Managing Security in Chemical Industrial Areas (Advanced Sciences and Technologies for Security Applications)

By Zhang, Laobing, Reniers, Genserik

Product Research: The Art and Science Behind Successful Product Launches

By Raghavan, N. R. Srinivasa, Cafeo, John A.

Handbook of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

By Valavanis, Kimon P., Vachtsevanos, George J.

IUTAM: A Short History

By Eberhard, Peter, Juhasz, Stephen

Dynamics of Tree-Type Robotic Systems: 62 (Intelligent Systems, Control and Automation: Science and Engineering, 62)

By Vijaykumar Shah, Suril, Saha, Subir Kumar, Dutt, Jayanta Kumar

Cognitive Architectures: 94 (Intelligent Systems, Control and Automation: Science and Engineering, 94)

By Aldinhas Ferreira, Maria Isabel, Silva Sequeira, Joao, Ventura, Rodrigo

Spatio-Temporal Modeling of Nonlinear Distributed Parameter Systems: A Time/Space Separation Based Approach: 50 (Intelligent Systems, Control and Automation: Science and Engineering, 50)

By Li, Han-Xiong, Qi, Chenkun

Homogeneous Turbulence Dynamics

By Sagaut, Pierre, Cambon, Claude

Teaching Mathematical Modelling: Connecting to Research and Practice (International Perspectives on the Teaching and Learning of Mathematical Modelling)

By Stillman, Gloria Ann, Kaiser, Gabriele, Blum, Werner, Brown, Jill P.

Analysis and Modeling of Coordinated Multi-neuronal Activity: 12 (Springer Series in Computational Neuroscience, 12)

By Tatsuno, Masami

Quantifiers, Quantifiers, and Quantifiers: Themes in Logic, Metaphysics, and Language: 373 (Synthese Library, 373)

By Torza, Alessandro

The Application of Neural Networks in the Earth System Sciences: Neural Networks Emulations for Complex Multidimensional Mappings: 46 (Atmospheric and Oceanographic Sciences Library, 46)

By Krasnopolsky, Vladimir M.

Theoretical Foundations of Synchrotron and Storage Ring RF Systems (Particle Acceleration and Detection)

By Klingbeil, Harald, Laier, Ulrich, Lens, Dieter