books by subject
Mathematical Numbers

Pupil Book 5A (Busy Ant Maths)

KS3 Essentials Year 8 Maths Coursebook (Lonsdale Key Stage 3 Essentials)

Higher Algebra: a Sequel to Elementary Algebra for Schools

Practice Book Year 4: For the English National Curriculum (The Shanghai Maths Project)

Zero: the Biography of a Dangerous Idea: The Biography of a Dangerous Idea

Infinity and the Mind: The Science and Philosophy of the Infinite

Maths 1011 Quick Tests (Make It Easy) (Letts Make It Easy)

Dazzling Division: Games and Activities That Make Math Easy and Fun

Maths Age 8-9 (Letts Make It Easy Complete Editions)

Problem Solving and Reasoning Pupil Book 3 (Busy Ant Maths)

Solving Differential Equations in R

Homework Guide 5 (Busy Ant Maths)

Weird Maths: At the Edge of Infinity and Beyond

Practice Book 2A (The Shanghai Maths Project)

Instant Revision - GCSE Mathematics