By England, Nick, Shea, Mary, Mary Shea
By Richard Parsons, CGP Books
By Merttens, Ruth, Ruth Merttens, Dave Kirkby
By Kearsley Bullen, Rob, Edmondson, Andrew, Ward, Tony
By Bostock, L, Shepherd, A, Chandler, F S, Smith, Ewart
By Bostock, L., Chandler, S., Shepherd, A., Smith, E.
By The Zondervan Corporation, Bostock, L, Shepherd, A, Chandler, F S, Smith, Ewart
By Ridgway, Bill
By Merttens, Ruth, Ruth Merttens
By Andrew Brodie
By Smith, Mr Harry
By Turner, D A, Potts, I A, Waite, W R J, Hony, B V
By Wood, John, Emanuel, Rosemary, Crawshaw, Janet
By Emanuel, Rosemary, Wood, John
By Breithaupt, Jim, Fullick, Ann, Ryan, Lawrie
By Edmondson, Andrew
By Collins KS3
By Newton, Derek, Smith, David
By Lane, Jill, Beniston, Sheila
By Speed, Brian, Gordon, Keith, Evans, Kevin
By Bostock, L, Shepherd, A, Chandler, F S, Smith, Ewart, Bostock, Brian, Representative of Audrey Shepherd, Chandler, Sue, Smith, Ewart
By Robert Powell, Mark Patmore
By Harrold, Jenni
By School Mathematics Project
By Clarke, Peter