books by subject
Mechanical Engineering

Engineering Mechanics: Statics

Boundary Element Programming in Mechanics

Reinventing the Wheel: The Construction of British Airways London Eye

Miller and Freund's Probability and Statistics for Engineers: United States Edition

Electrochemistry and Corrosion Science

Applied Fluid Mechanics

Engineering Mechanics Statics (SCHAUMS' ENGINEERING)

Basic Engineering Thermodynamics

Statics (SI edition)

The Dynamics of Ships

Computational Methods for Fluid Dynamics: 2nd edition

Dynamics (Mechanics for Engineers)

Marine Hydrodynamics (The MIT Press)

Theory And Practice Of Hydrodynamics And Vibration, The: 20 (Advanced Series On Ocean Engineering)

Engineering Mechanics: Statics

Dynamic Systems: Modeling and Analysis (International student edition)

Engineering Mathematics

Materials for Springs

Classic Plant Machinery

Engineering Tenders, Sales and Contracts

Basic Mechanics with Engineering Applications

Essay on Machines in General (1786): Text, Translations and Commentaries. Lazare Carnot's Mechanics - Volume 1: 47 (Logic, Epistemology, and the Unity of Science, 47)

Mechanics of Machines

Water and Wind Power by Martin Watts

Invention by Design: How Engineers Get from Thought to Thing

Mathematics for Engineers: A modern interactive approach

Product Design for Manufacture and Assembly, Second Edition, Revised and Expanded (Manufacturing Engineering & Materials Processing)

Attachment Structures and Adhesive Secretions in Arachnids: 7 (Biologically-Inspired Systems, 7)

Mechanical Behaviour of Materials: Volume 1: Micro- and Macroscopic Constitutive Behaviour: 180 (Solid Mechanics and Its Applications, 180)