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Mechanical Engineering

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Engineering Mechanics: Statics

By Hibbeler, Russell C.

Boundary Element Programming in Mechanics

By Gao, Xiao-Wei, Davies, Trevor G.

Reinventing the Wheel: The Construction of British Airways London Eye

By Lambot, Ian

Miller and Freund's Probability and Statistics for Engineers: United States Edition

By Johnson, Richard A.

Electrochemistry and Corrosion Science

By Perez, Nestor

Applied Fluid Mechanics

By Mott, Robert L.

Engineering Mechanics Statics (SCHAUMS' ENGINEERING)

By Nelson, E.

Basic Engineering Thermodynamics

By Joel, Rayner

Statics (SI edition)

By Hibbeler, R.C., Fan, S.C.

The Dynamics of Ships

By Price, W.G.

Computational Methods for Fluid Dynamics: 2nd edition

By Ferziger, Joel H., Peric, Milovan

Dynamics (Mechanics for Engineers)

By Beer, Ferdinand P., Johnston Jr., E. Russell

Marine Hydrodynamics (The MIT Press)

By Newman, John Nicholas

Theory And Practice Of Hydrodynamics And Vibration, The: 20 (Advanced Series On Ocean Engineering)

By Chakrabarti, Subrata Kumar

Engineering Mechanics: Statics

By Bedford, Anthony M., Fowler, Wallace

Dynamic Systems: Modeling and Analysis (International student edition)

By Vu, Hung V., Esfandiari, Ramin S., Hung V. Vu

Engineering Mathematics

By Bird, John O., May, A. J. C.

Materials for Springs

By Yamada, Yoshiro, Kuwabara, Toshio

Classic Plant Machinery

By Johnson, Brian

Engineering Tenders, Sales and Contracts

By Pike, Andrew

Basic Mechanics with Engineering Applications

By Jones, J, Burdess, J S, Fawcett, J N

Essay on Machines in General (1786): Text, Translations and Commentaries. Lazare Carnot's Mechanics - Volume 1: 47 (Logic, Epistemology, and the Unity of Science, 47)

By Pisano, Raffaele, Coopersmith, Jennifer, Peake, Murray

Mechanics of Machines

By Ryder, G.H., Bennett, M. D.

Water and Wind Power by Martin Watts

By Watts, Martin

Invention by Design: How Engineers Get from Thought to Thing

By Petroski, Henry

Mathematics for Engineers: A modern interactive approach

By Croft, Dr Anthony, Davison, Robert

Product Design for Manufacture and Assembly, Second Edition, Revised and Expanded (Manufacturing Engineering & Materials Processing)

By Boothroyd, Geoffrey, Dewhurst, Peter, Knight, Winston A.

Attachment Structures and Adhesive Secretions in Arachnids: 7 (Biologically-Inspired Systems, 7)

By Wolff, Jonas O., Gorb, Stanislav N.

Mechanical Behaviour of Materials: Volume 1: Micro- and Macroscopic Constitutive Behaviour: 180 (Solid Mechanics and Its Applications, 180)

By Francois, Dominique, Pineau, Andre, Zaoui

Adhesion and Friction in Biological Systems: 3 (Biologically-Inspired Systems, 3)

By Gorb, Stanislav