books by subject
Mechanical & Material Engineering

Copyright, Competition and Industrial Design (Hume Papers S.)

Use of Computer Aided Design/Computer Aided Manufacturing for Fluid Machinery Design and Manufacture

Turbocharging and Turbochargers: Conference Proceedings (I Mech E Conference Publications, 1986-4.)

Stimulating Concepts in Chemistry

Integrated Powertrain Systems for a Better Environment: No. 1999/9. (Imeche Event Publications)

Mechanics of Flight

Essentials of Materials Science & Engineering - SI Version

Chiral Reactions in Heterogeneous Catalysis: Proceedings of the Ninth European Symposium Held in Brussels, Belgium, October 25-26, 1993 (NATO Asi)

Finite Element Analysis in Fluid Dynamics

Finite Element Primer (Ellis Horwood series in engineering science)

Gerald Ratner: The Rise and Fall... and Rise Again

Mechanics Machines Advanced Theory and Examples 2e (Mechanics of Machines)

Project Management Case Studies

Principles of Dynamics

The Encyclopedia of Wood: A Tree-by-tree Guide to the World's Most Valuable Resource

Power Plant Control and Instrumentation: The Control of Boilers and Hrsg Systems (Control, Robotics and Sensors)

Manual of Avionics

Ground Studies For Pilots V2: Vol 2 (Ground Studies for Pilots: Plotting and Flight Planning)

Meteorology (v. 4) (Ground Studies for Pilots)

Ground Studies for Pilots: Vol 1: Radio AIDS (Ground Studies for Pilots: Radio AIDS)

Bubbles: A Ladybird Expert Book (The Ladybird Expert Series, 24)

Windpumps: A guide for development workers

Coastal Systems (Routledge Introductions to Environment: Environmental Science)

The PDMA Handbook of New Product Development

Rotary-Wing Aerodynamics (Dover Books on Aeronautical Engineering)

Design of Structures and Foundations for Vibrating Machines

Basic Engineering Mechanics

Programming the Boundary Element Method: An Introduction for Engineers

Mechatronics: Electronic Control Systems in Mechanical and Electrical Engineering