books by subject
Mechanical & Materials Engineering

Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics

Mechanical Engineering Principles

Key Concepts in Information and Communication Technology (Palgrave Key Concepts)

Feedback Control: Linear, Nonlinear and Robust Techniques and Design with Industrial Applications (Advanced Textbooks in Control and Signal Processing)

Liquid Crystals for Advanced Technologies: Volume 425 (MRS Proceedings)

Electronic, Optical and Optoelectronic Polymers and Oligomers: Volume 665 (MRS Proceedings)

Read It Yourself: Clever Machines - Level 1

Build Your Own Computer (2nd edn)

Eye Tracking Methodology: Theory and Practice

Mavellous Machinery (Theme Park Science)

Electronic Ceramics

Soldering, Brazing and Welding: A Manual of Techniques

The Naked Pilot: The Human Factor in Aircraft Accidents

Extreme Machines (Top Tens)

Properties of Materials (Science@School S.)

Aggregates: Sand, Gravel and Crushed Rock Aggregates for Construction Purposes (Geological Society Engineering Geology Special Publication)

Clay Materials Used in Construction Engineering Geology Special Publication: No. 21 (Engineering Geology Special Publications S.)

Knife Making

Manufacture (TEP Publications)

Mechanics M1 for Edexcel

TM39: Building Energy Metering (Technical Memoranda)

CIBSE Guide D: Transportation Systems in Buildings 2010

Basics Technical Drawing

ROMANSY 21 - Robot Design, Dynamics and Control: Proceedings of the 21st CISM-IFToMM Symposium, June 20-23, Udine, Italy: 569 (CISM International Centre for Mechanical Sciences)

Characterization of Plastics by Physical Methods: Experimental Techniques and Practical Application

Handbook of Liquid Crystals: Low Molecular Weight Liquid Crystals I: Calamitic Liquid Crystals v. 2 (Handbook of Liquid Crystals (VCH))

Industrial Polymers Handbook: Products, Processes, Applications (Chemistry)

SPC and Continuous Improvement

Kommentierte Formelsammlung Bioverfahrenstechnik