books by subject

Groundwater Recharge from Run-off, Infiltration and Percolation: 55 (Water Science and Technology Library, 55)

Drought Management Planning in Water Supply Systems: Proceedings from the UIMP International Course held in Valencia, December 1997: 32 (Water Science and Technology Library, 32)

Energy Dissipators and Hydraulic Jump: 8 (Water Science and Technology Library, 8)

Gravitation, Inertia and Weightlessness: Centrifugal and Gyroscopic Effects of the n-Body System's Interaction Energy

Surge Tectonics: A New Hypothesis of Global Geodynamics: 9 (Solid Earth Sciences Library, 9)

Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering: A Comprehensive Guide

Computational Methods for Fluid Dynamics: 2nd edition

Theory And Practice Of Hydrodynamics And Vibration, The: 20 (Advanced Series On Ocean Engineering)

Finite Element Methods For Engineers

Mechanics of Fluids

Computational Fluid Dynamics (McGraw-Hill Mechanical Engineering)

Fundamental Mechanics of Fluids

Practice for Advanced Maths: Mechanics (Practice for Advanced Mathematics S.)

A Dictionary of Physics 7/e (Oxford Quick Reference)

Whitaker's Almanack: 2011

Geophysical Fluid Dynamics

Geophysical Fluid Dynamics

Computational Techniques for Fluid Dynamics 2: Specific Techniques for Different Flow Categories (Scientific Computation)

Guide to Mechanics (Mathematical Guides)

Mathematical Theory of Oil and Gas Recovery: With Applications to ex-USSR Oil and Gas Fields: 4 (Petroleum Engineering and Development Studies, 4)

Improving Efficiency and Reliability in Water Distribution Systems: 14 (Water Science and Technology Library, 14)

Flame and Combustion

Fluid Mechanics

Theory of vibration with applications: 4th edition

Dynamics (Vector Mechanics for Engineers)

Classical Mechanics

Modular Maths A/AS Level Mechanic 2: Level 2 (Modular Maths For A/AS Level)

Backyard Ballistics: Build Potato Cannons, Paper Match Rockets, Cincinnati Fire Kites, Tennis Ball Mortars and More Dynamite Devices

Introduction to Classical Mechanics