books by subject
Media Studies

Socialnomics: How Social Media Transforms the Way We Live and Do Business

Tale of Peter Rabbit, The

A Reader's Guide to W.H. Auden (Reader's Guides S.)

The Changeling (New Mermaid Anthology)

Selling Digital Music, Formatting Culture

Methodology of Economics (Cambridge Surveys of Economic Literature)

Video in Language Teaching (Cambridge Language Teaching Library)

Terence: Adelphoe (Cambridge Greek and Latin Classics)

The Cambridge Music Guide

The Cambridge Guide To Literature In English:

Journal Publishing

The Invention of the Western Film: A Cultural History of the Genre's First Half Century (Genres in American Cinema S)

Mass Media Research - an Introduction (Wadsworth Series in Mass Communication and Journalism)

Labyrinths: Art of Interactive Writing and Design, Content Development for New Media

Global Communication (Wadsworth series in mass communication & journalism)

Organizational Comm 3e (Wadsworth Series in Speech Communication)

Public Relations Writing: Form and Style

Mass Media Research: An Introduction (Wadsworth Series in Mass Communication and Journalism)

Big Data: A Revolution That Will Transform How We Live, Work, and Think

The Best American Infographics (Best American Series (R))
Shock Treatment

Live from Number Ten: Inside Story of Prime Ministers and Television

Difficult Men: From The Sopranos and The Wire to Mad Men and Breaking Bad

This Is Not Propaganda: Adventures in the War Against Reality

Communication Models for the Study of Mass Communications

Communication Studies Paper

The Media: An Introduction

Cultural Theory and Popular Culture: An Introduction

Film Noir (Inside Film)