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Media Studies

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Cyborg Theatre: Corporeal/Technological Intersections in Multimedia Performance

By J. Parker-Starbuck

Cognitive Ecologies and the History of Remembering: Religion, Education and Memory in Early Modern England

By E. Tribble, N. Keene

Granta 56: What Happened to Us? - Britain's Valedictory Realism

By Jack, Ian

Serious Leisure and Nature: Sustainable Consumption in the Outdoors

By L. Davidson, R. Stebbins

Genre in Asian Film and Television: New Approaches

By F. Chan, A. Karpovich, X. Zhang

Valuing Films: Shifting Perceptions of Worth

By L. Hubner

New Femininities: Postfeminism, Neoliberalism and Subjectivity

By R. Gill, C. Scharff

Geocriticism: Real and Fictional Spaces

By B. Westphal, Kenneth A. Loparo

Brian Friel: Theatre and Politics

By A. Roche

Narrative Pleasures in Young Adult Novels, Films and Video Games

By M. Mackey

The Story of Western Architecture

By Bill Risebero

The Complete Poems

By Emily Dickinson, Thomas Herbert Johnson

Transformations in Egyptian Journalism

By Naomi Sakr

Storytelling: Bewitching the Modern Mind

By Christian Salmon

History of Language (Reaktion Books - Globalities) by Fischer, Steven Roger (2004) Paperback

By Steven Roger Fischer

Dangerous Alliances: Civil Society, the Media and Democratic Transition in North Africa

By Lise Garon

Mass Media and Environmental Conflict: America's Green Crusades

By Mark Neuzil, William Kovarik

Environmental Sociology: A Social Constructionist Perspective

By John Hannigan (University of Toronto, Canada)

Africa from the Twelfth to the Sixteenth Centuries (v. 4) (UNESCO general history of Africa)

By Unesco, Niane, D.T.


By Richard Middleton

The Digital Scholar: How Technology is Transforming Scholarly Practice

By Martin Weller (Professor of Educational Technology, The Open University)

Intellectual Origins of American Radicalism

By Staughton, Lynd

Human Rights and African Airwaves: Mediating Equality on the Chichewa Radio

By Harri Englund

A Theory of Adaptation

By Linda Hutcheon (University of Toronto, Canada)

General Theory of Relativity

By P. A.M. Dirac

Delete: The Virtue of Forgetting in the Digital Age

By Viktor Mayer-Schoenberger

The BBC: A People's History

By David Hendy

They Have a Word for It: Lighthearted Lexicon of Untranslatable Words & Phrases

By Howard Rheingold

No-Nonsense Guide to Global Media

By Peter Steven

Media and Cultural Regulation

By Kenneth A. Thompson