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Medical Psychiatry

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Profound Retardation and Multiple Impairment: Volume 3: Medical and physical care and management


Behaviour Modification with the Retarded Child

By Comley, J.

Challenging Behaviour: Analysis and Intervention in People with Learning Disabilities

By Emerson, Eric, Kiernan, C.

Child Psychiatry for Students (CLMT)

By Stone, Frederick H., Koupernik, Cyrille

Clinical Psychology (Wiley Series in Clinical Psychology)

By Amanda Caine

Family Therapy: Concepts, Process and Practice (Wiley Series in Clinical Psychology)

By Carr, Alan

Health Measurement Scales: A practical guide to their development and use (Oxford Medical Publications)

By Streiner, David, Norman, Geoff

Causes and Consequences (v. 2) (Motherhood and Mental Illness)

By Brockington, I.F., Kumar, R.

An Introduction To Family Therapy

By Dallos, Rudi

Alien Landscapes?: Interpreting Disordered Minds

By Jonathan Glover

Psychiatric Carer Plans: Guidelines for Client Care

By Doenges, Marilynn E., Townsend, Mary, Moorhouse

Psychology and Sociology Applied to Medicine: An Illustrated Colour Text, 3e (Illustrated Colour Texts)

By Beth Alder, Charles S. Abraham, Edwin van Teijlingen, Michael Porter

Mental Health Law Policy and Practice

By Bartlett, Peter, Sandland, Ralph

Audit In The Mental Health Service

By Jenny, Firth-Cozens

An Outline of Modern Psychiatry

By Hughes, Jennifer

An Unquiet Mind

By Jamison, Kay Redfield, Redfield Jamison, Kay, Kay Redfield Jamison

Kaplan and Sadock's Synopsis of Psychiatry: Behavioral Sciences/clinical Psychiatry

By Sadock, Benjamin, Virginia Alcott

The Madness of Prince Hamlet and other extraordinary states of mind

By Youngson, Dr Robert

Hartland's Medical and Dental Hypnosis, 3e

By Waxman LRCP MRCS, David

Differential Diagnosis in Neuropsychiatry (A Wiley medical publication)

By Roberts, Jeremy K. A.

Agnosia and Apraxia: Selected Papers of Liepmann, Lange, and P”tzl (Institute for Research in Behavioral Neuroscience Series)

By Brown, Jason W.


By Kettenmann, Helmut, Ransom, Bruce R.

The Maudsley Handbook of Practical Psychiatry (Oxford Medical Publications)

By Owen, Gareth, Wessely, Simon, Murray, Robin

The Biochemical Basis of Neuropharmacology

By Cooper, Jack R., Bloom, Floyd E., Roth, Robert H.

Into the Abyss: A neuropsychiatrist's notes on troubled minds

By David, Prof. Anthony

Madness: A Biography

By Fallon, Paul

The Oxford Handbook of Obsessive Compulsive and Spectrum Disorders (Oxford Library of Psychology)

By Steketee, Gail

Hidden Valley Road

By Kolker, Robert

Rapid Psychiatry

By Hibbert, Christina, Godwin, Alice, Dear, Frances

Psychiatric Genetics and Genomics (Oxford Medical Publications)

By McGuffin, Peter, Owen, Michael J., GOTTESMAN, Irving I.