books by subject
Medical Teaching Aids

Fox and Cameron's Food Science, Nutrition & Health

Jack Russell Terrier: An Owner's Guide

Frontiers of Medicine

Pandemics, Science and Policy: H1N1 and the World Health Organisation

Psychological Problems of Ageing: Assessement, Treatment and Care

The Human Body Factory: A Guide To Your Insides

Biochemistry of Exercise: Conference Proceedings: 1986

Instructional Course Lectures: v. 39

Modern Medicine for the MRCP

Emergence: The Connected Lives of Ants, Brains, Cities and Software


Medical Microbiology and Infection at a Glance

Graduate Therapeutics: A Primer for MRCP and Specialist Training

The Body Book

Thomas Edison

Spatial Neglect: A Clinical Handbook for Diagnosis and Treatment

Tudor Medicine

Methods in Clinical Phonetics

My First Oxford Book of Poems

Learning Disability Policy and Practice: Changing Lives? (Interagency Working in Health and Social Care)

Review of Orthopaedics

Inquiring into Animal Enhancement: Model or Countermodel of Human Enhancement?

Microbes Count!: Problem Posing, Problem Solving, and Peer Persuasion in Microbiology

Researching Communication Disorders

Researching Communication Disorders

The Nursing Companion

The Social Psychology of Exercise and Sport

Aids to Undergraduate Medicine

How to Write a Paper