books by subject
Medicine & Nursing

Medical Microbiology

Poisoning & Drug Overdose (Lange Clinical Manual)

Smith's General Urology (Lange Medical Books)

Textbook Of Modern Toxicology

Electric Plasmas: Their Nature & Uses: Their Nature and Uses

Promoting Child Health in Primary Care

The Condensed Curriculum Guide: for GP training and the new MRCGP

Working with Vulnerable Groups: A Clinical Handbook for GPs

A-Z Natural Therapies

McCance and Widdowson's The Composition of Foods: 2nd suppl

Problems in Paediatrics (Physics of Atoms and Molecules)

Problems in Respiratory Medicine (Problems in Practice)

A Patient's Guide to Dialysis and Transplantation

Problems in Arthritis and Rheumatism: 4 (Problems in Practice)

The Law on Medicines: Volume 1 A Comprehensive Guide: 001

The Law on Medicines: Licensing and Manufacture: v. 2

Bach Flower Remedies For Women

Ruins in a Landscape


Postgraduate Medicine

British National Formulary

Hospital Pharmacy

Essentials of Economic Evaluation in Healthcare

British National Formulary (BNF) 48: v .48

Dale and Appelbe's Pharmacy Law and Ethics
Medicines, Ethics and Practice 2005: A Guide for Pharmacists: No. 29

British National Formulary (BNF) 49: v. 49

Doctors and Their Careers: A New Generation

Pocket Medical and First Aid Guide