books by subject
Medicine References

Canine and Feline Endocrinology & REPROD, 3e

Fundamentals of Chinese Medicine: Zhaong Yai Xuae Jai Cheu

GCSE Biology AQA A: Revision Guide and Exam Practice Workbook (New Gcse Science)

Soul of Wellness

Medicine and the Internet

Practical Management of Dementia: A Multi-Professional Approach

The Good Doctor Guide: A Unique Directory of Recommended Specialists

The Sociology and Politics of Health: A Reader

Home Births: The Report of the 1994 Confidential Enquiry by the National Birthday Trust Fund

Employment and Dyslexia Handbook: 2009

Dermatology Made Easy

Medical Receptionists and Secretaries' Handbook

Willard and Spackman's Occupational Therapy

The Clinician's Seating Handbook: A Reference Guide for Clinical Seating Provision

Falls in Older People: Prevention and Management

Harty's Dental Dictionary

ABC of Transfusion


Decision Making in Health and Medicine with CD-ROM: Integrating Evidence and Values

Delmar's English and Spanish Pocket Dictionary for Health Professionals

CURRENT Essentials of Medicine, Third Edition

Evidence Based Medicine Toolkit

Poison on a Plate: Dangers in the Food We Eat and How to Avoid Them

Computed Body Tomography with MRI Correlation

Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine: Companion Handbk

Black's Student Veterinary Dictionary

New Approaches to Qualitative Research: Wisdom and Uncertainty

Brunel: The Man Who Built the World

Work-Based Learning in Clinical Settings: Insights from Socio-Cultural Perspectives