books by subject
The Black Death (Manchester Medieval Sources)
Alfred the Great: The Man Who Made England
Re-discovering Medieval Realms: Britain 1066-1500 Pupil's Book: Students' Book (ReDiscovering the Past)
The Sphere Illustrated History of Britain Volume 1: 55 B.C.-1485: C.55 B.C.-1485 Vol 1
Song for Eloise
The Wars of Scotland, 1214-1371 (New Edinburgh History of Scotland)
Medieval Lives: Stonemason
The Politics of Marriage: Henry VIII and His Queens (History/16th/17th Century History)
The Battle of Hastings
Stephen and Matilda: The Civil War Of 1139-53
Castle: A History of the Buildings that Shaped Medieval Britain
Decline and Fall of Roman Britain
Queens Consort: England's Medieval Queens
Science and Technology in World History: Volume 3: The Black Death, the Renaissance, the Reformation and the Scientific Revolution
Witchcraft and Magic in Europe, Volume 3: The Middle Ages; (Witchcraft & Magic in Europe)
The Vikings (Elite)
Medieval Siege Warfare (Elite)
Bowmen of England (Pen & Sword Military Classics)
The Age of Sutton Hoo: The Seventh Century in North-Western Europe (0)
Viking: Hammer of the North
The Coming of the Book: Impact of Printing, 1450-1800 (Verso Modern Classics)
AQA GCSE History: Restoration England, 1660-1685
100 Facts Gladiators
The Enemy at the Gate: Habsburgs, Ottomans and the Battle for Europe
The Amazing World of Castles: Discover the Fascinating History of Medieval Adventure, Battles and Romance (The Amazing World of...)
The Summer Queen (Eleanor of Aquitane Trilogy 1) (Eleanor of Aquitaine trilogy)
Roman Cookery: Recipes and History (Cooking Through the Ages)