books by subject

Understanding the British Economy: An Introduction in Words, Charts And Tables

Labor in a Globalizing City: Economic Restructuring in São Paulo, Brazil: 16 (Urban and Landscape Perspectives, 16)

Risk and Precaution

Foundations of Economics

Measuring the Value of Culture: Methods and Examples in Cultural Economics

Pappas / Hirschey Managerial Economics 6e IE

Workouts in Intermediate Microeconomics: A Modern Approach

Totaled: The Billion-Dollar Crash of the Startup that Took on Big Auto, Big Oil and the World

Foundational Economy: The Infrastructure of Everyday Life (Manchester Capitalism)


Microeconomics (College Outline S.)

Democracy at Work: A Cure for Capitalism

International Economics sixth edition

Microeconomics of Banking

Microeconomic Theory (Microeconomic Theory: Basic Principles and Extensions,(with Economic Applications and InfoTrac))

Edexcel A2 Economics Student Unit Guide: Business Economics and Economic Efficiency by Cole, Rachel ( AUTHOR ) Feb-24-2012 Paperback

Connected Marketing: The Viral, Buzz and Word of Mouth Revolution

My Revision Notes: AQA AS Economics

Studies and Economics and Business: Business Economics (Studies in Economics and Business)

Superbrands: An Insight Into Some of Britain's Strongest Brands 2007 / 2008

Underdevelopment in Kenya: Political Economy of Neo-colonialism, 1964-71

The World in 2020: Power, Culture and Prosperity - A Vision of the Future

Power and Need in Africa


Freedom... Is More Than Just a Seven-Letter Word

Readings in Applied Microeconomics

Introduction to Modern Microeconomics

US In 20th Century: Markets (Untied States In The Twentieth Century)

My Revision Notes: Edexcel A-level Business Second Edition