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Critical Care in Childbearing for Midwives

By Billington, Mary, Stevenson, Mandy

Fetal Monitoring in Practice

By Gibb, Donald M. F., Arulkumaran, Sabaratnam

Midwifery Practice: Core Topics 2: Birth: 3

By Alexander, Jo, Levy, Valerie, Roth, Carolyn

The Student's Guide to Becoming a Midwife, 2nd Edition

By Hamilton, Cathy, Peate, Ian

Fundamental Themes in Clinical Supervision

By Butterworth, Tony

Maternity Nursing: Family, Newborn and Women's Health Care

By Reeder, Sharon J., Martin, Leonide L., Koniak-Griffin, Deborah

Effective Coaching in Healthcare Practice

By Hadikin BSc(Hons) Cert Ed ADM RM RGN, Ruth

Education and Support for Parenting: A Guide for Health Professionals

By Nolan PhD MA BA(Hons) RGN, Mary L.

The Newborn Child, 9e

By Johnston MB FRCP FRCPCH<br>MD MA, Peter G. B., Flood, Kristie, Spinks, Karen

Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing: The craft of caring, Second Edition

By Barker, Phil

Essential Midwifery, 1e

By Henderson MA MTD DPHE DipN(Lond RN RM, Christine, Jones BN PGCE DipN RN RM, Kathleen

Midwifery Revision: Objective and Other Tests for Students of Midwifery and Obstetrics

By Roch, S.E.G.

Introduction to Statistics for Nurses

By Maltby, John, Day, Liz, Williams, Glenn

Normal Childbirth: Evidence and Debate

By Soo Downe

Introducing the Social Sciences for Midwifery Practice: Birthing in a Contemporary Society

By Lindsay, Patricia, Peate, Ian

Midwifery: Best Practice, Volume 2: v. 2 (Midwifery Best Practice S.)

By Wickham RM MA BA(Hons) PGCE(A), Sara

Clinical Practice Guidelines For Midwifery & Women's Health

By Tharpe, Nell L., Farley, Cindy L., Jordan, Robin G.

Midwifery: Best Practice: v. 3 (Midwifery Best Practice S.)

By Wickham RM MA BA(Hons) PGCE(A), Sara

Midwifery: Best Practice, Volume 1: v. 1 (Midwifery Best Practice S.)

By Wickham RM MA BA(Hons) PGCE(A), Sara

Professional Ethics In Midwifery Practice

By Foster, Illysa R., Lasser, Jon

Myles' Textbook for Midwives

By Fraser PhD MPHil BEd MTD RM RGN, Diane M., Cooper BA RGN RM MTD, Maggie A.

High Risk Pregnancy: Text with CD-ROM: Management Options

By James MA MD FRCOG DCH, David K., Steer BS MD FRCOG FCOGSA (hon), Philip J., Weiner MD MBA FACOG, Carl P., Gonik MD FACOG, Bernard

Breastfeeding the Newborn: Clinical Strategies for Nurses

By Biancuzzo, Marie

Developments in the Supervision of Midwives

By Kirkham RN RM BA MA PhD Cert Ed (Adult) FP Nursing Cert, Mavis J.

Twelve Babies on a Bike: Midwife Compton's Case Notes: Diary of a Student Midwife

By Doris Dunn

Physiology in Childbearing: With Anatomy and Related Biosciences

By Dorothy Stables, Stables, Dorothy

Frontline Midwife: My Story of Survival and Keeping Others Safe

By Kent, Anna

Becoming a Midwife

By Mander, Rosemary

A Guide to Symptom Relief in Palliative Care, 6th Edition

By Regnard, Claud, Dean, Mervyn

Breast Feeding: A Guide for Midwives

By Henschell MBE RN RM MTD, Dora, Inch RN RM, Sally