books by subject
Military History of Strategy

The Rambling Soldier: Life in the Lower Ranks 1750-1900 Through Soldiers' Songs and Writings: Life in the Lower Ranks Through Soldiers' Songs and Writings, 1750-1900

Portraits of 21st Century Chinese Universities:: In the Move to Mass Higher Education: 30 (CERC Studies in Comparative Education, 30)

Handbook of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

Higher Education in Portugal 1974-2009: A Nation, a Generation

Knight's Cross: A Life of Field Marshal Erwin Rommel

LAST SAILING BATTLEFLEET (Conway's History of Sail)

The Eye of War: Words and Photographs from the Front Line

War in European History

Makers of Modern Strategy: Military Thought from Machiavelli to Hitler

The Dynamics of Military Revolution, 1300–2050

Makers of Modern Strategy from Machiavelli to the Nuclear Age

Send a Gunboat: The Victorian Navy and Supremacy at Sea, 1854-1904

Makers of Modern Strategy from Machiavelli to the Nuclear Age (Princeton Paperbacks)

The Transformation of War

Morality of War: A Reader

Martyrs' Day: Chronicle of a Small War

The Anatomy of War: A Study Guide for Young People

The Battle of Flodden 1513

Great Battles

Sand In My Shoes: War-time Diaries of a WAAF

Siege Warfare: the Fortress in the Early Modern World, 1494-1660

Shambhala Pocket Classics: The Art of War

Defending the Island

Six Frigates: How Piracy, War and British Supremacy at Sea Gave Birth to the World's Most Powerful Navy

The Nelson Companion

378-1278 (v. 1) (A History of the Art of War in the Middle Ages)

1278-1485 (v. 2) (A History of the Art of War in the Middle Ages)

Wingate and the Chindits: Redressing the Balance

Imperial Warriors: Britain and the Gurkhas