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Military History

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Rudolf Hess: The British Illusion of Peace

By John Harris

Military Dress of the Peninsular War, 1808-14

By Martin Windrow, Gerry Embleton

Hannibal Crosses the Alps: The Enigma Re-examined

By Prevas, John

Blenheim Preparation: The English Army - Collected Essays: The Armies of William III and Marlborough

By David Chandler

One Pilot's War: The Battle of Britain and Beyond

By W. A. Wilkinson

Revolution: 500 Years of Struggle for Change

By Almond, Mark

Frontiers of the Roman Empire: The African Frontiers

By Mattingly, David J., Rushworth, Alan, Sterry, Martin, Leitch, Victoria

Imperial War Museum: Handbook

By Various

The Timechart of Military History (Time Charts)

By John Cule

The Women's Century: A Celebration of Changing Roles 1900-2000

By Turner, Mary

Kalashnikov AK-47: One Small Item, One Giant Impact (Trigger Issues S)

By Burrows, Gideon

IWM London Guidebook

Avoid Being a Roman Soldier (Danger Zone) (The Danger Zone)

By David Stewart

Des Curtis DFC A Most Secret Squadron


By Jordan Wylie

Call Of The Litany Bird: Surviving the Zimbabwe Bush War

By Susan Gibbs, Lord Carrington

Polemica: Etudes Sur La Guerre Et Les Armees Dans La Grece Ancienne

By Ducrey, Pierre, Fachard, Sylvian, Brelaz, Cedric, Calame, Claude

Paroles De Poilus 1914-1918: ANTHOLOGIE (LIBRIO DOCUMENT)

By Poilus

Grenadiers & Voltigeurs de la Garde Impériale de Napoléon III (Tenues du Passé)

By Jouineau, Andre

Before Military Intervention: Upstream Stabilisation in Theory and Practice

By Clack, Timothy, Johnson, Robert

Flugzeugträger der NATO: Frankreich, Großbritannien, Italien, Kanada, Niederlande, Spanien

The Berlin Wall: Monument of the Cold War

By Hertle Hans-Hermann

A las puertas de Leningrado

Activitati britanice clandestine in Romania in timpul celui de-al Doilea Razboi Mondial

By Dennis Deletant

Unreasonable Behaviour: An Autobiography

By McCullin, Don

England's Queens: The Biography

By Norton, Elizabeth

Spain's Civil War (Seminar Studies In History)

By Browne, Harry

Access to History Themes: The Changing Nature Warfare, 1700-1945

By Stewart, Neil

Going to the Wars: The Experience of the British Civil Wars 1638-1651

By Carlton, Charles

Modern War: Day by Day

By Alex Hook, Hook, Alex