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Military History

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Avoid Being a Roman Soldier (Danger Zone) (The Danger Zone)

By David Stewart

Des Curtis DFC A Most Secret Squadron


By Jordan Wylie

Call Of The Litany Bird: Surviving the Zimbabwe Bush War

By Susan Gibbs, Lord Carrington

Polemica: Etudes Sur La Guerre Et Les Armees Dans La Grece Ancienne

By Ducrey, Pierre, Fachard, Sylvian, Brelaz, Cedric, Calame, Claude

Paroles De Poilus 1914-1918: ANTHOLOGIE (LIBRIO DOCUMENT)

By Poilus

Grenadiers & Voltigeurs de la Garde Impériale de Napoléon III (Tenues du Passé)

By Jouineau, Andre

Before Military Intervention: Upstream Stabilisation in Theory and Practice

By Clack, Timothy, Johnson, Robert

Flugzeugträger der NATO: Frankreich, Großbritannien, Italien, Kanada, Niederlande, Spanien

The Berlin Wall: Monument of the Cold War

By Hertle Hans-Hermann

A las puertas de Leningrado

Activitati britanice clandestine in Romania in timpul celui de-al Doilea Razboi Mondial

By Dennis Deletant

Unreasonable Behaviour: An Autobiography

By McCullin, Don

England's Queens: The Biography

By Norton, Elizabeth

Spain's Civil War (Seminar Studies In History)

By Browne, Harry

Access to History Themes: The Changing Nature Warfare, 1700-1945

By Stewart, Neil

Going to the Wars: The Experience of the British Civil Wars 1638-1651

By Carlton, Charles

Modern War: Day by Day

By Alex Hook, Hook, Alex

The Arab-Israeli Conflict: The Palestine War 1948: 28 (Essential Histories)

By Karsh, Professor Efraim

My Promised Land: The Triumph and Tragedy of Israel

By Shavit, Ari

God of Battles: Holy Wars of East and West

By Partner, Peter

The American Civil War 1861-1865 (Access to History)

By Farmer, Alan

The Roman Army

By Connolly, Peter, Peter Connolly

Black Hawk Down

By Bowden, Mark

In the Nick of Time: Wartime Experiences of an RAF Air Sea Rescue Pilot with 276 Sqn

By Berryman, Nick

Edward III and the Triumph of England: The Battle of Crécy and the Company of the Garter

By Barber, Richard

A Terrible Love of War

By Hillman, James

The New Spymasters: Inside Espionage from the Cold War to Global Terror

By Grey, Stephen

East Central Europe between the Two World Wars (A History of East Central Europe (HECE))

By Rothschild, Joseph

War and the World: Military Power and the Fate of Continents, 1450-2000

By Black, Jeremy