books by subject
Military History
Avoid Being a Roman Soldier (Danger Zone) (The Danger Zone)
Des Curtis DFC A Most Secret Squadron
Call Of The Litany Bird: Surviving the Zimbabwe Bush War
Polemica: Etudes Sur La Guerre Et Les Armees Dans La Grece Ancienne
Paroles De Poilus 1914-1918: ANTHOLOGIE (LIBRIO DOCUMENT)
Grenadiers & Voltigeurs de la Garde Impériale de Napoléon III (Tenues du Passé)
Before Military Intervention: Upstream Stabilisation in Theory and Practice
Flugzeugträger der NATO: Frankreich, Großbritannien, Italien, Kanada, Niederlande, Spanien
The Berlin Wall: Monument of the Cold War
A las puertas de Leningrado
Activitati britanice clandestine in Romania in timpul celui de-al Doilea Razboi Mondial
Unreasonable Behaviour: An Autobiography
England's Queens: The Biography
Spain's Civil War (Seminar Studies In History)
Access to History Themes: The Changing Nature Warfare, 1700-1945
Going to the Wars: The Experience of the British Civil Wars 1638-1651
Modern War: Day by Day
The Arab-Israeli Conflict: The Palestine War 1948: 28 (Essential Histories)
My Promised Land: The Triumph and Tragedy of Israel
God of Battles: Holy Wars of East and West
The American Civil War 1861-1865 (Access to History)
The Roman Army
Black Hawk Down
In the Nick of Time: Wartime Experiences of an RAF Air Sea Rescue Pilot with 276 Sqn
Edward III and the Triumph of England: The Battle of Crécy and the Company of the Garter
A Terrible Love of War
The New Spymasters: Inside Espionage from the Cold War to Global Terror
East Central Europe between the Two World Wars (A History of East Central Europe (HECE))