books by subject
Multicultural Studies

Popular Culture in Asia: Memory, City, Celebrity


A Richer Vision: Development of Ethnic Minority Media in Western Democracies

Black Politics in Britain

A History of Women's Seclusion in the Middle East: The Veil in the Looking Glass

Black Popular Culture: A Project by Michelle Wallace

Race, Culture and Difference: 1 (Published in association with The Open University)

Maori Legends


Growing Up Native American: An Anthology

The Communities We Have Lost and Can Regain

Globalisation and the Postcolonial World: The New Political Economy of Development

Ethnicity, Social Mobility, and Public Policy: Comparing the USA and UK

New Directions in Gender and Religion: Changing Status of Women in African Independent Churches: The Changing Status of Women in African Independent Churches

Livelihoods and Landscapes: The People of Guquka and Koloni and their Resources

Organizing Asian American Labor: The Pacific Coast Canned-Salmon Industry, 1870-1942

Children of the World

New Zealand's Muslims and Multiculturalism

A People Without a State: The Kurds from the Rise of Islam to the Dawn of Nationalism

Kurdish Nationalism on Stage: Performance, Politics and Resistance in Iraq

Ethnic Cleansing and the European Union: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Security, Memory and Ethnography

Gender, Migration and Domestic Work: Masculinities, Male Labour and Fathering in the UK and USA

Minorities in Iran: Nationalism and Ethnicity after Khomeini

Mediating Cultural Diversity in a Globalised Public Space

Martin's Dream: My Journey and the Legacy of Martin Luther King Jr.

The Construction of Minority Identities in France and Britain

Europe and the Politics of Language: Citizens, Migrants and Outsiders

Women and Fluid Identities: Strategic and Practical Pathways Selected by Women

Ethnicity and Gender at Work: Inequalities, Careers and Employment Relations