books by subject
Music History & Criticism

Glenn Gould: A Life and Variations

Classical Music – The Era of Hadyn, Mozart, & Beethoven: The Era of Haydn, Mozart, and Beethoven: 0000 (Norton Introduction to Music History)

Shostakovich Symphonies and Concertos: An Owner's Manual (Unlocking the Masters)

It Gets Me Home, This Curving Track: Objects & Essays 2012-2018

J.S.Bach (Oxford Composer Companions)

A Celebration for Magnus

The Music of Brahms (Companion to the Great Composers S.)

Lives of the Great Composers

Lennon Legend: An Illustrated Life of John Lennon

J.S.Bach (Oxford Composer Companions)

O Sing unto the Lord: A History of English Church Music

A Guide to the Concerto

If it Ain't Baroque: More Music History as it Ought to be Taught

Ambient Century: From Mahler to Moby - The Evolution of Sound in the Electronic Age

Gene Vincent and Eddie Cochran: Rock 'n' Roll Revolutionaries

Faster Than A Cannonball: 1995 and All That

Abbey Road: The Inside Story of the World’s Most Famous Recording Studio (with a foreword by Paul McCartney)

Medieval Music (The Norton introduction to music history): 0

Sonic Interventions. (Thamyris/Intersecting: Place, Sex and Race): 18

The British Piano Sonata, 1870-1945 (0)

Renaissance Music – Music in Western Europe 1400– 1600 (The Norton Introduction to Music History)

The Oxford Handbook of New Audiovisual Aesthetics (Oxford Handbooks)

TAKE THAT – NOW AND THEN: Inside the Biggest Comeback in British Pop History

Gustav Mahler: Memories And Letters

Baroque Concerto

Second Vienna School

Just Kids

Senses of Vibration: A History of the Pleasure and Pain of Sound

Music and the Making of Modern Science