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Segovia: An Autobiography of the Years 1893-1920

By Segovia, Andreas, O'Brien, W.F.

The Hollow of the Hand

By Harvey, - PJ, Murphy, Seamus

The Whole Equation: A History of Hollywood

By Thomson, David

Academy of St. Martin in the Fields

By Harries, Meirion, Susie

Thailand (Blue Guides)

By Villiers, Professor John, Pattison, Gavin


By Heath, Edward


By harsanyi zsolt

The Music Shop: From the bestselling author of The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry

By Rachel Joyce

Long Players: Writers on the Albums That Shaped Them

By Gatti, Tom

Southern Italy (Blue Guides)

By Blanchard, Paul

Toscanini: Musician of Conscience

By Harvey Sachs

Dear Carice: Postcards from Edward Elgar to His Daughter

By Fardon, Michael

Elgar the Cyclist in Worcester and Hereford: A Creative Odyssey

By Allen, Kevin Walter

My Music

By Frank Muir, denis norden, Ian Wallace, John Amis, David Franklin, Race, Steve

Getting into Music, Drama and Dance (MPW 'Getting Into' Guides)

By Caprez, Emma, Blackman, Julie

Miracle Superfood: Wild Blue-Green Algae (Keats Good Health Guide)

By McKeith, Gillian

Music Enrichment: Kindergarten

By Fata, Patrick

Blue Guide The Netherlands (7th edn) (Blue Guides)

By Esner, Rachel

Volume 9: Aesthetics and Philosophy of Art: v. 9 (Contemporary Philosophy: A New Survey, 9)

By Fløistad, Guttorm

Intersecting Cultures in Music and Dance Education: An Oceanic Perspective: 19 (Landscapes: the Arts, Aesthetics, and Education, 19)

By Ashley, Linda, Lines, David

The Nightingale: ‘The nature book of the year’

By Lee, Sam

Sounds, Societies, Significations: Numanistic Approaches to Music: 2 (Numanities - Arts and Humanities in Progress, 2)

By Povilionienė, Rima

Richard Wagner: A Biography

By Watson, Derek

Richard Wagner: His Life, Art and Thought (Panther books)

By Taylor, Ronald

Wagnerism in European Culture and Politics

By Large, David Clay, Weber, WILLIAM

Steve Turner The Complete Beatles Songs

Northern Italy: From the Alps to Bologna (Blue Guides)

By Blanchard, Paul

The Guinness Hits Challenge

By Rice, Tim, etc.

Al Jolson: You Ain't Heard Nothin' Yet!

By Oberfirst, Robert

Musician at Large

By Race, Steve