books by subject
Native American Demographic Studies

Santa Clara Pottery Today

Documents of United States Indian Policy

Book Of Vision Quest

Savages: The Life and Killing of the Yanomami

Slow Road to Brownsville: A Journey Through the Heart of the Old West

American Indian Myths & Legends

The British Museum Illustrated Encyclopaedia of Native North America: British Museum Young Reference (British Museum Illustrated Encyclopedias and Atlas)

Native Universe: Voices of Indian America (Native American Tribal Leaders, Writers, Scholars, and Story Tellers)

The Encyclopedia of Native American Tribes

Random House 103865 Born to Run Lot de 1

Contrary Neighbors: Southern Plains and Removed Indians in Indian Territory: 237 (The Civilization of the American Indian Series)

NAIS 3.1: Native American and Indigenous Studies

The Great Confusion in Indian Affairs: Native Americans and Whites in the Progressive Era

After the Trail of Tears: The Cherokees' Struggle for Sovereignty, 1839-1880

Dancing on Our Turtle's Back: Stories of Nishnaabeg Re-creation, Resurgence, and a New Emergence

The Comanche Empire

Ties That Bind: The Story of an Afro-Cherokee Family in Slavery and Freedom

Comanches: The History of a People

Rethinking Mexican Indigenismo: The INI's Coordinating Center in Highland Chiapas and the Fate of a Utopian Project

Black Elk Speaks

Star Mounds: Legacy of a Native American Mystery

Trauma Trails: The Transgenerational Effects of Trauma in Indigenous Australia

Hegemony and Culture: Politics and Religious Change Among the Yoruba

Hegemony and Culture: Politics and Religious Change Among the Yoruba

The Wake of the Unseen Object: Travels through Alaska's Native Landscapes

The Sacred Pipe: Black Elk's Account of the Seven Rites of the Oglala Sioux

The Invisible Culture: Communication in Classroom and Community on the Warm Springs Indian Reservation

Growing Up Native American: An Anthology

Soul Would Have No Rainbow if the Eyes Had No Tears and Other Native American PR