books by subject

The Seed Detective: Uncovering the Secret Histories of Remarkable Vegetables

Encyclopedia of Dinosaurs and Prehistoric Life

Plant Partners

Outer Spaces

Our Moon: A Human History

The Forager's Calendar: A Seasonal Guide to Nature's Wild Harvests

Better Dog Behaviour

Hope - How Street Dogs Taught Me the Meaning of Life: Featuring Rodney, McMuffin and King Whacker

The Sun Over The Mountains: A Story of Hope, Healing and Restoration

Will You Take Me Home?: The brave rescue dog from the puppy farm who became a movie star

Garden Open Tomorrow

Tales from the Tail End: Adventures of a Vet in Practice

National Audubon Society Pocket Guide: Constellations

Tretower to Clyro: Essays

Border Collie (Collins Dog Owner's Guide)

England's Pleasant Land: Farming - Vision and Reality

The Cantankerous Molly Darling

The Future of Life

ISPY NATURE PB: Spy it! Score it! (Collins Michelin i-SPY Guides)

When There Were Birds: The forgotten history of our connections

The Alphabet From Space

A Wild Life: My Adventures Around the World Filming Wildlife

My Life In His Paws: The Story of Ted and How He Saved Me

Countryside Contemplations: Reflections on Our Wild Wonders

Finding Mindfulness in Nature: Simple Meditation Practices to Help Connect with the Natural World

Collins Puppy Handbook

Afloat: A Memoir

How to plant a room: and grow a happy home

Gifts of Gravity and Light