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Social and Communication Disorders Following Traumatic Brain Injury (Brain, Behaviour and Cognition)

By McDonald, Skye

Neurobehavioural Disability and Social Handicap Following Traumatic Brain Injury (Brain, Behaviour and Cognition)

By Mcmillan, Tom, Wood, Rodger

Intelligibility in Speech Disorders: Theory, measurement and management: 1 (Studies in Speech Pathology and Clinical Linguistics)

By Kent, Raymond D.

Ending Parkinson's Disease: A Prescription for Action

By Bloem MD PhD, Bastiaan R., Okun MD, Michael S., Dorsey MD, Ray, Sherer PhD, Todd


By Kettenmann, Helmut, Ransom, Bruce R.

The Hippocampus Book (Oxford Neuroscience Series)

By Andersen, Per, Morris, Richard, Amaral, David, Bliss, Tim, O'Keefe, John

The Central Nervous System: Structure and Function

By Brodal, Per

Brain Mapping: The Methods (Toga, Brain Mapping)

By Toga, Arthur W., Mazziotta MD PhD Dr., John C.

Broken Brains

By Mitchell, Ian

The Handbook of Brain Theory and Neural Networks (A Bradford book) (A Bradford book)

By Michael A. Arbib

fMRI (MIT Press Essential Knowledge series)

By Peter A. Bandettini

Prion Biology: A Subject Collection from Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Biology (Perspectives Cshl)

By Prusiner, Stanley B

Prion Diseases (Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Medicine)

By Prusiner, Stanley B

The Secret World of Sleep: Journeys Through the Nocturnal Mind

By Leschziner, Dr Guy

Dendritic Neurotransmitter Release

By Ludwig, Mike

Virtual Lesions: Examining Cortical Function with Reversible Deactivation

By Lomber, Stephen G., Galuske, Ralf

Computational Neuroscience of Vision

By Rolls, Edmund, Deco, Gustavo

Microcircuits: The Interface between Neurons and Global Brain Function (Dahlem Workshop Reports)

By Grillner, Sten, Graybiel, Ann M, Reutter, Werner

The Prefrontal Cortex: Anatomy, Physiology and Neuropsychology of the Frontal Lobe

By FUSTER, Joaquin


By Cowan, Mr. W. Maxwell, Südhof, Dr. Thomas C., Stevens, Dr. Charles F.

Foundations of Cyclopean Perception

By Julesz, Béla, Papathomas, Thomas V, Phillips, Flip

The Synaptic Organization of the Brain

By Shepherd M.D., Gordon M.

The Neurobiology of Spatial Behaviour

By Jeffery, K.J.

Invertebrate Neurobiology

By Geoffrey North

The Visual Neurosciences: 2-vol. set (A Bradford Book)

By Leo M. Chalupa

Principles of Hormone/Behavior Relations

By Pfaff Professor, Donald W, Pfaff, Donald W., Phillips, M. Ian, Rubin, Robert T

The Biochemical Basis of Neuropharmacology

By Cooper, Jack R., Bloom, Floyd E., Roth, Robert H.

Sex in the Brain: How Seizures, Strokes, Dementia, Tumors, and Trauma Can Change Your Sex Life

By Baird, Amee

Cell Biology of Addiction (Monograph)

By Madras, Bertha, Colvis, Christine M., Pollock, Jonathan D., Shurtleff, David B., Zostrow, Mark Von

Fundamental Neuroscience

By Squire, Larry R., Bloom, Floyd E., McConnell, Susan K., Roberts, James L., Spitzer, Nicholas C., Zigmond, Michael J.