books by subject

A General Theory of Love

The Brain Book: Know Your Own Mind and How to Use it

Cognitive Neuroscience: A Very Short Introduction

Innate: How the Wiring of Our Brains Shapes Who We Are

Neuropsychology for Occupational Therapists

Trauma Informed Care in the Perinatal Period

The Private Life of the Brain

Basic Techniques in Neurolinguistic Programming: Bk.2

Incognito: The Secret Lives of the Brain

Neurosis and Human Growth: The Struggle Towards Self-Realization

Living with Dyspraxia: A Guide for Adults with Developmental Dyspraxia -

Cognitive Therapy of Anxiety Disorders: A Practice Manual and Conceptual Guide

Happy Days: The Guided Path from Trauma to Profound Freedom and Inner Peace

Independent Component Analysis: A Tutorial Introduction

Stealing Fire: How Silicon Valley, the Navy SEALs, and Maverick Scientists Are Revolutionizing the Way We Live and Work

Surviving an Eating Disorder: Strategies for Family and Friends

Memory and Emotion: The Making of Lasting Memories

The Power of Neurodiversity: Unleashing the Advantages of Your Differently Wired Brain (published in hardcover as Neurodiversity)

Into the Silent Land: Travels in Neuropsychology

Emotions Revealed: Understanding Faces and Feelings

The Polyvagal Theory in Therapy: Engaging the Rhythm of Regulation

Physiology of Behavior, 7th Ed.

The Art of Thinking Clearly: Better Thinking, Better Decisions

Power Up Your Mind: Learn Faster, Work Smarter

Trauma and Recovery: The Aftermath of Violence--From Domestic Abuse to Political Terror

The Ape that Understood the Universe: How the Mind and Culture Evolve

De La Mettrie's Ghost: The Story Of Decisions

Neurophilosophy: Toward a Unified Science of the Mind-Brain

Trauma, the Body and Transformation: A Narrative Inquiry