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New Testament Commentaries

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B E C N T: 6 (Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament)

By Schreiner, Thomas R.

Be Loyal (Matthew): Following the King of Kings

By Wiersbe, Dr Warren W

Barclay on the Lectionary: Matthew, Year A

By Barclay, WILLIAM, Foster, Linda

The Old Law and the New Law: The Ten Commandments and the Sermon on the Mount

By Barclay, WILLIAM, Bsrclay

Matthew A Bible Commentary for Every Day by Proctor, John ( Author ) ON Jul-20-2001, Paperback

By Proctor, John

The First Christmas: What the Gospels Really Teach about Jesus's Birth

By Marcus J. Borg, John Dominic Crossan

Go and Do Likewise: Jesus and Ethics


Discipleship and Family Ties in Mark and Matthew: 80 (Society for New Testament Studies Monograph Series, Series Number 80)

By Barton, Stephen C.

The Gospel of John in the Light of Indian Mysticism: New Edition of Christ the Yogi

By Ravindra, Ravi

With Jesus in the Upper Room: Forty Gospel Reflections for Lent and Easter

By Winter, David

Luke (Brazos Theological Commentary on the Bible)

By Jeffrey, David Lyle

Romans (Abingdon New Testament Commentaries)

By Keck, Leander E.

Romans: 6 (Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture)

By Gerald Bray

Romans (Paideia: Commentaries on the New Testament)

By Matera, Frank J.

Romans 1-8, Volume 38A (Word Biblical Commentary)

By Dunn, James D. G., Metzger, Bruce M., Hubbard, David Allen

1 Peter (Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament)

By Jobes, Karen H., Yarbrough, Robert, Jipp, Joshua

But I Say to You: Exploring the Gospel of Matthew

By Fisher, Leith

New Commentary on the Whole Bible: New Testament Volume

By Douglas, J. D., Comfort, Philip W.

John (Word Biblical Commentary): 36

By Murray, George R.Beasley-

The Epistle of Paul to the Philippians: An Introduction and Commentary (Tyndale New Testament Commentaries)

By Martin, Ralph P.

New Testament Introduction

By Guthrie, Donald, Donald C

Epistles of Paul to the Thessalonians: An Introduction and Commentary (Tyndale New Testament Commentaries)

By Morris, Leon

Acts of the Apostles (Daily Study Bible)

By Barclay, WILLIAM

The Oral and the Written Gospel: The Hermeneutics of Speaking and Writing in the Synoptic Tradition, Mark, Paul, and Q (Voices in Performance & Text) (The African Systems of Thought)

By Werner H. Kelber

The Epistles of John: An Expositional Commentary

By Boice, James Montgomery

The Lamb Is All the Glory (Welwyn Commentary Series)

By Richard Brooks

The Spiritual Wisdom of Gospels for Christian Preachers and Teachers: Eating with the Bridegroom Year B: 2 (Spiritual Wisdom Of Gospels For Christian Preachers And Teachers, 2)

By Shea, John

Hebrews for Everyone: Reissue (For Everyone Series: New Testament)

By Wright, Tom

The Seeds of Heaven: Preaching the Gospel of Matthew

By Taylor, Barbara Brown

Forgiveness: What the Bible Tells Us About Forgiveness (Insights)

By Barclay, WILLIAM