books by subject
New Testament Criticism & Interpretation
The Millennium and the Book of Revelation
A New Christianity for a New World: Why Traditional Faith is Dying and How a New Faith is Being Born
Jesus and the Spirit
Women and the Word: The Gender of God in the New Testament and the Spirituality of Women: 1986 (Madeleva Lecture in Spirituality)
Jesus, the Holy Fool
The First Christians in Their Social Worlds: Social-scientific approaches to New Testament Interpretation
Sacra Pagina: The Gospel of Luke: Volume 3 (Sacra Pagina, 3)
Lord Jesus Christ: Devotion to Jesus in Earliest Christianity
Love That Never Fails (Guidelines for Living S.)
The Good News of Luke's Year: New Revised Edition
And That's the Gospel Truth: Year C (Reflections of the Sunday Gospels - Year C)
Mark and Method: New Approaches in Biblical Studies
Prophetic Jesus, Prophetic Church: The Challenge of Luke-Acts to Contemporary Christians
The Liberator
Survey of the New Testament
The Easter Stories
New Testament Foundations: The Four Gospels v. 1: A Guide for Christian Students
Invitation to the New Testament: A Guide to Its Main Witnesses: No. 19 (Biblical Seminar S.)
Beginnings: Keys That Open the Gospels
Pauline Christianity (Oxford Bible S.)
Jesus the Healer
Did Jesus Exist?: The Historical Argument for Jesus of Nazareth
The Oral and the Written Gospel: The Hermeneutics of Speaking and Writing in the Synoptic Tradition, Mark, Paul, and Q (Voices in Performance & Text) (The African Systems of Thought)
How to Read the Bible and Still Be a Christian: Struggling with Divine Violence from Genesis Through Revelation
Midrash and Lection in Matthew
The Seeds of Heaven: Preaching the Gospel of Matthew
Jesus Means Freedom: A Polemical Survey of the New Testament
The Pre-Christian Paul
Matthew as Story: Second Edition