books by subject

Enzymes (Bk. 2) (Experimental work in biology)

Letters Written During a Short Residence in Sweden, Norway and Denmark

A Voice of Her Own: The Story of Phillis Wheatley, Slave Poet (Candlewick Biographies)

Wilde's Devoted Friend: Life of Robert Ross

Mango And Mimosa


A Move in the Weather

Cypress Walk. Letters from Alun Lewis to Freda Aykroyd: Letters to 'frieda'

This is How You Disappear: A Book of Elegies

Burnscripts: Dramatic Interpretations of the Life and Art of Robert Burns

The Henry Root Letters

To the River: A Journey Beneath the Surface (Canons)

Giles: A Life in Cartoons - The Authorised Biography of Britain's Leading Cartoonist

Edith Wharton (Writers and their Work)

Germination and Tropisms (Bk. 5) (Experimental work in biology)

Allen Ginsberg: Beat Poet

Shakespeare's Restless World: An Unexpected History in Twenty Objects

The Collected Letters of William Morris, Volume I: 1848-1880: 1848-1880 v. 1 (Princeton Legacy Library)

Dostoevsky: The Miraculous Years, 1865-1871

Simone De Beauvoir: The Making of an Intellectual Woman

Elizabeth Barrett Browning: A Biography (Paladin Books)

A Preface to Wordsworth (Preface Books)

Hons and Rebels: The Mitford Family Memoir

My Beautiful Laundrette and Other Writings

The Weald of Youth

Ariel (Faber Paperbacks)

Our Kate

Ernest Hemingway

William Blake (World of Art S.)