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Nurse & Patient

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Adult Health Nursing

By Beare RN PhD, Patricia Gauntlett, Myers RN MSN, Judith L.

Interpersonal Communication in Nursing (2nd Edition)

By Ellis BSc CertEd MEd DipStudCouns, Roger, Gates MSc BEd(Hons) DipN RNMH RMN CertEd RNT, Bob, Kenworthy MBA BEd RGN RMN, Neil

Integrated Care Pathways: A Practical Approach to Implementation

By Middleton BA(Hons) DPSN PGCE RGN, Sue, Roberts BA(Hons) PgDINF, Adrian

Nursing Care Plans and Documentation: Nursing Diagnosis and Collaborative Problems

By Carpenito, Lynda Juall

Watson's Clinical Nursing and Related Sciences

By Walsh PhD BA(Hons) RGN PGCE DipN(London) A&ECert(Oxford), Mike

Fluid and Electrolyte Balance: Nursing Considerations

By Metheny, Norma Milligan

Understanding and Management of Nausea and Vomiting

By Hawthorn, Jan

Motivational Interviewing in Health Care: Helping Patients Change Behavior (Applications of Motivational Interviewing)

By Rollnick, Stephen, Miller, William R., Butler, Christopher C., Walsh, Barent W., Rhode, Robert G.

Medical-surgical Nursing (Lippincott's Review Series)

By Huttel, Raymond A.Hargove-

Lippincott's Pocket Manual of Nursing Practice

By Nettina, Sandra M.

Improving Outcomes in Chronic Heart Failure: A Practical Guide to Specialist Nurse Intervention

By Stewart, Simon, Blue, Lynda

Effective Interaction with Patients, 2e

By Faulkner PhD MLitt DipEd MA(Hons) SRN, Ann

Nonverbal Communication with Patients: Back to the Human Touch


Brunner and Suddarth's Textbook of Medical-surgical Nursing (Brunner and Suddarths Textbook of Medical Surgical Nursing, 9th ed)

By Smeltzer, Suzanne C., Bare, Brenda G., Brunner, Lillian Sholtis, Suddarth, Doris Smith

Laboratory Tests and Diagnostic Procedures (Laboratory Tests and Diagnoctic Procedures, 3rd ed)

By Chernecky PhD RN CNS AOCN FAAN Dr., Cynthia C., Berger MSN RN, Barbara J.

Leg Ulcers (Access to Clinical Education)

By Moffatt CBE MA PhD RGN NDN, Christine, Harper, Peter S.

Humanism, Nursing, Communication and Holistic Care: A Position Paper

By Battey, Bonnie Weaver Ph. D. R. N.

Oncology Nursing Secrets

By Gates RN MSN CNS NP PhD(c), Rose A., Fink RN PhD FAAN AOCN, Regina M.

HIV/AIDS Nursing Secrets

By Shaw MS ACRN ANP-C, Judy K., Mahoney RN MSN EdD ACRN, Elizabeth A.

Berry & Kohn's Operating Room Technique

By Phillips RN BSN BA MEd RNFA Doctoral Candidate CNOR, Nancymarie, Fortunato RN BSN BA MEd RNFA CNOR CPSN, Nancy Marie

Skills of Clinical Supervision for Nurses: A Practical Guide for Supervisees, Clinical Supervisors and Managers (Supervision in Context)

By Bond, Meg, M.

Renal Nursing

By Robert Uldall

Nursing Adults: The Practice of Caring

By Brooker BSc MSc RGN SCM RNT, Chris, Nicol BSc(Hons) MSc PGDipEd RGN Professor, Maggie

Fundamentals of Mental Health Nursing

By Clarke, Victoria, Walsh, Andrew

Oxford Handbook of Learning and Intellectual Disability Nursing (Oxford Handbooks in Nursing)

By Gates, Bob, Barr, Owen

Advance Nursing Practice, 1e: The Practitioner's Guide

By Fulbrook RGN MSc BSc(Hons) PGDE DPSN ENB 100, Paul, Rolfe PhD MA BSc RMN RGN NT PGCEA, Gary

Caring in Nursing Practice

By Baughan, Jacqui, Smith, Ann

The Evidence-Based Practice Manual for Nurses

By Craig MSc RSCN RGN, Jean V., Smyth MA MBBS MD MRCP DCH FRCPCH Professor, Rosalind L.

Pain: Clinical Manual

By Margo McCaffery, Chris Pasero

Pain: Causes and Management

By Jan Hawthorn (BSc (Hons) PhD), Kathy Redmond