By Nolan PhD MA BA(Hons) RGN, Mary L.
By Fatchett, Anita
By Huber PhD RN FAAN NEA-BC, Diane
By Sue Lillyman, Anne Saxon
By Robin J. Harman
By Mcmurray, A.
By Carter, B., Dearmun, A.
By Barry, Anne-Marie, Yuill, Chris
By Christine Moffatt, Ruth Martin, Rachael Smithdale
By Carolyn Aldworth
By Castledine, George
By Watson, Christie
By Karen A. Luker, Allan B. Wolfson, MD
By Tony Kendrick, Chantal Simon
By Niven, Neil
By Jennifer L. Humphries, Joyce Green
By Francoise van Dorp, Chantal Simon
By C.E. Butterworth
By Susan Downe (Professor of Midwifery Studies, University of Central Lancashire, Preston, UK)
By Anita Fatchett, Robin Cook
By Carrie Sadler, Jo White, Hazel Everitt, SADLER, Carrie, White, Jo, Everitt, Hazel, Simon, Chantal
By Rita Bell
By Elizabeth Arnold, Kathleen Boggs
By Elizabeth T. Anderson, Judith M. McFarlane
By N.M. Nicol, S. Walker, Stanley Walker (Director of Nurse Education, South Lothian College of Nursing and Midwifery, Edinburgh)
By Sarah Earle, G. Letherby
By Mave Salter
By Dianne Watkins (Director, Primary Care/Community Nursing Directorate, University of Wales College of Medicine, School of Nursing and Midwifery Studies, Cardiff, UK<br>Director of Educational Development), Judy Cousins (Lecturer, Cardiff School of Nursi...
By A. M. Coll
By Young, Daniel G., Weller, Barbara F.