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Nursing Reference

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Studying the Organisation and Delivery of Health Services: Research Methods

By Allen, Pauline, Black, Nick, Clarke, Aileen

Netter's Physiology Flash Cards (Netter Basic Science)

By Susan Mulroney, Adam Myers MD

Alexander's Care of the Patient in Surgery, 14e

By Rothrock PhD RN CNOR FAAN, Jane C.

Differential Diagnosis Pocketbook: Clinical Reference Guide (Pocket (Borm Bruckmeier Publishing))

By Sailer, Christian

A Survivor's Guide to Study Skills and Student Assessments: For Health Care Students

By Goodall RGN DipN RNT, Christopher J.

Practice-based Evidence for Healthcare: Clinical Mindlines

By Gabbay, John

Netter's Physiology Flash Cards, 2e (Netter Basic Science)

By Mulroney PhD, Susan, Myers PhD, Adam

The Great Ormond Street Hospital Manual of Children's Nursing Practices

By Macqueen, Susan, Bruce, Elizabeth, Gibson, Faith

Nursing the Surgical Patient

By Pudner BA(Hons) RGN RCNT DipNEd DipAppSS(Open), Rosie

Studying the Organisation and Delivery of Health Services: A Reader

By Allen, Pauline, Black, Nick, Clarke, Aileen, Fulop, Naomi, Anderson, Stuart

Guidelines for Critical Care Nursing

By Urban MSN RN CCRN, Nancie

Leadership, Management and Team Working in Nursing (Transforming Nursing Practice Series)

By Bach, Shirley, Ellis, Peter

DECISION MAKING IN NURSING 2E: Thoughtful Approaches for Leadership


The Clinical Nurse Specialist in Theory and Practice

By Hamric PhD RN FAAN, Ann B., Spross PhD RN AOCN FAAN, Judith A.

Advance Nursing Practice, 1e: The Practitioner's Guide

By Fulbrook RGN MSc BSc(Hons) PGDE DPSN ENB 100, Paul, Rolfe PhD MA BSc RMN RGN NT PGCEA, Gary

Making Sense Of Nursing Portfolios: A Guide For Students: A Guide for Students

By Timmins, .

Nurse Practitioner: Developing the Role in Hospital Setting: Developing the Role in a Hospital Setting

By Reveley PhD MA BA RGN RM RHV DipN(London) CertEd, Shirley, Walsh PhD BA(Hons) RGN PGCE DipN(London) A&ECert(Oxford), Mike, Crumbie MSN BSc RGN DipNP Dip App ScN PGCE, Alison

Pocket Guide to Pediatric Assessment

By Engel, Joyce

Minidictionary for Nurses (Oxford Paperback Reference)

By Martin, Elizabeth, McFerran, Tanya

Assisted Human Reproduction: Psychological and Ethical Dilemmas

By Singer, Dani

Leg Ulcers (Access to Clinical Education)

By Moffatt CBE MA PhD RGN NDN, Christine, Harper, Peter S.

Critical Care Nursing: Made Incredibly Easy

By Springhouse

Clinical Pharmacology Made Incredibly Easy (Incredibly Easy! Series)

By Springhouse

Humanism, Nursing, Communication and Holistic Care: A Position Paper

By Battey, Bonnie Weaver Ph. D. R. N.

HIV/AIDS Nursing Secrets

By Shaw MS ACRN ANP-C, Judy K., Mahoney RN MSN EdD ACRN, Elizabeth A.

Illustrated Medical Dictionary

By Dorland, William Alexander Newman

Nursing the Surgical Patient Third Edition

By Pudner, Rosemary

Berry & Kohn's Operating Room Technique

By Phillips RN BSN BA MEd RNFA Doctoral Candidate CNOR, Nancymarie, Fortunato RN BSN BA MEd RNFA CNOR CPSN, Nancy Marie

Infectious and Tropical Diseases: A Handbook for Primary Care

By Kwan-Gett, Tao Sheng Clifford, Kemp, Charles, Kovarik, Carrie

Guide Pratique Infirmier

By Perlemuter, Gabriel, Lon