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Physiology and Anatomy: A Basis for Nursing and Health Care

By Rutishauser PhD, Sigrid C. B.

Models of Nursing (Recent Advanced in Nursing)

By Akinsanya, J. A.

Interaction Strategies: An Introduction for Health Professionals

By Porritt, L.

Anatomy and Physiology in Health and Illness Seventh Edition

By Wilson OBE BSc PhD RGN SCM RNT, Kathleen J. W.

Nursing Practice: Hospital and Home--The Adult

By Alexander CBE BSc PhD RN RM RNT FRCN, Margaret F., Fawcett BSc(Hons) MSc RN RNT ILTM, Josephine (Tonks) N.

Common Foundation Studies in Nursing (Project 2000)

By Snowley, Gillian, Gilling, Cynthia, Kenworthy, Neil, Snowley, Gillian, Gilling, Cynthia

Rehabilitation for Mental Health Problems: An Introductory Handbook

By Hume, Clephane, Pullen, Ian M.

Toohey's Medicine: A Textbook for Students in the Health Care Professions, 15e

By Stephen Robert Bloom

Health Psychology: An Introduction for Nurses and Other Health Care Professionals

By Niven, Neil

Exploring Physiology: An Interactive Workbook for Nurses

By Christopher J. Goodall RGN DipN RNT, Goodall RGN DipN RNT, Christopher J.

Being Human: Ordinariness in Nursing

By B. J. Taylor

Scholarship in the Discipline of Nursing

By Gray RN CM MSc(Nsg)(Manch) DipNEd(NSWCN) DipAdvNsgSt(Manch) FCN(UNSW) FRCNA, Geneviève, Pratt RN CM DNE(Cumb) BA(Macq) MHPEd(NSW) FNC(NSW) FRCNA, Roaslie

Anatomy and Physiology in Health and Illness [Eighth Edition]

By Wilson OBE BSc PhD RGN SCM RNT, Kathleen J. W., Waugh BSc(Hons) MSc CertEd SRN RNT FHEA, Anne

Biochemistry (Health Care Knowledge Transfer S.)


Research Mindedness for Practice: An Interactive Approach for Nursing and Health Care

By Smith PhD MSc BNurs RGN RNT, Pam

A Nurse's Survival Guide to the Ward

By Richards BA(HONS) MSC RGN DIPN(LON) RNT, Ann, Edwards RGN DipN(Lon) MSc PGCEA, Sharon L.

The Spiritual Challenge of Health Care, 1e

By Cobb BSc, Mark, Robshaw BSc PGDip RN, Vanessa

Nursing Calculations

By Gatford, John D., Anderson, Robyn E.

Bridging the Gap: The Dissemination and Implementation of Research in Nursing

By Mulhall, Anne, Le May, Andree

Health Psychology for Health Care Professionals

By Niven, Neil

Drugs and Pharmacology for Nurses, 13e

By S. J. Hopkins

Nursing Practice: Hospital and Home -- The Adult

By Alexander CBE BSc PhD RN RM RNT FRCN, Margaret F., Fawcett BSc(Hons) MSc RN RNT ILTM, Josephine (Tonks) N., Runciman BSc MSc MPhil RN RM RHV RNT, Phyllis J.

Professional Studies for Midwifery Practice, 1e

By Fraser PhD MPHil BEd MTD RM RGN, Diane M.

Children in Intensive Care: A Nurse's Survival Guide

By Joanna Davies, Lynda Hassell, Davies, Joanna, Hassell, Lynda

Orthopaedic and Trauma Nursing

By Kneale BSc(Hons) RN RNT WNB219, Julia

'Minor Injuries: A Clinical Guide'

By Purcell MA RGN, Dennis

Ross and Wilson Anatomy and Physiology in Health and Illness

By Anne Waugh BSc(Hons) MSc CertEd SRN RNT FHEA, Allison Grant BSc PhD RGN, Waugh BSc(Hons) MSc CertEd SRN RNT FHEA, Anne, Grant BSc PhD RGN, Allison

Postnatal Care: Evidence-Based Guidelines for Management

By Debra Bick BA(Hons) MMedSc PhD RM, Christine MacArthur PhD, Helena Knowles BSc MPhil RGN RM, Heather Winter MD FRCOG MFPHM, Bick BA(Hons) MMedSc PhD RM, Debra, MacArthur PhD, Christine, Knowles BSc MPhil RGN RM, Helena, Winter MD FRCOG MFPHM, Heather

Clinical Nursing Practices: Guidelines for Evidence-Based Practice

By Jamieson BSc(Hons) MSc RGN ONC RCT RNT, Elizabeth, McCall, Janice M., Whyte BA MPhil RGN DN RNT, Lesley A.

A Practical Guide to Complaints Handling: In the Context of Clinical Governance

By Chris Gunn