books by subject
Operating Systems

Windows 95 For Dummies

Windows 8 Inside Out

SuSE Linux Server (Professional Mindware)

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services For Dummies

Run a Perfect Web Site with Windows NT

Windows 7 Explained

Multimedia Web Programming (Grassroots)

Learn Excel 2011 for Mac

Pro C# 5.0 and the .NET 4.5 Framework (Expert's Voice in .NET)

Microsoft® SharePoint® Products and Technologies Resource Kit (Pro-Resource Kit)

Your Windows 95 Internet Surfboard

Microsoft Office for Windows '95 For Dummies

OpenGL SuperBible, Second Edition: The Complete Guide to OpenGL Programming for Windows NT and Windows 95

Microsoft Windows 95 at a Glance (At a Glance (Microsoft))

Pro VB 2008 and the .NET 3.5 Platform (Expert's Voice)

Pro Silverlight 2 in C# 2008

Beginning Linux Programming (First Edition)

Beginning iPhone 3 Development: Exploring the iPhone SDK

The Human Nervous System : An Anatomical Viewpoint

VMware ESX Server in the Enterprise: Planning and Securing Virtualization Servers

Brilliant Windows Vista

Brilliant ITQ

Structured Development for Real-Time Systems: Vol. I: Introduction and Tools: Introduction and Tools Vol 1 (Structured Development for Real-Time Systems Vol. 1)

Operating System Concepts

Compiler Design (International Computer Science)

Concurrent Systems: An Integrated Approach to Operating Systems, Distributed Systems and Databases (Open University Edition)

The iOS 5 Developer's Cookbook: Core Concepts and Essential Recipes for iOS Programmers (Developer's Library)

Introduction to MFC Programming with Visual C++ (Microsoft Technology)

Professional Android 2 Application Development