books by subject

Sketching with Raymond Spurrier (Artist's Sketchbook S.)

Sketching with James Horton


Hieronymus Bosch. The Complete Works

Hogarth: A Life and a World

Designing Pictorial Symbols

The Painted Quilt: Paint and Print Techniques for Colour on Quilts

The Complete Guide to Illustration and Design Techniques and Materials

Jasper Johns: Modern Masters

Fantasy Artist's Pocket Reference: Incredible Characters

The Complete Guide to Sculpture, Modelling and Ceramics: Techniques and Materials

Monet: Nature into Art

Myths and Legends

White Hats and Cricket Bats: My Painting Life

Buildings (How to Draw)

Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain Workbook: Guided Practice in the Five Basic Skills of Drawing

50 Pincushions to Knit & Crochet

Printmaking on a Budget (Printmaking Handbooks)

Franz Marc: 1880-1916

Cezanne (Dolphin Art Books)

The masterworks of Van Gogh

Basic Rendering: Effective Drawing for Designers, Artists and Illustrators

Really Relaxing Colouring Book 14: Time To UNWIND

The Artist's Handbook: 3rd Edition

Leonardo da Vinci : The First Scientist

Spot-the-Difference: Masterpiece Spot the Difference: 40 Eye-Bending Fine Art Puzzles


Perfect Cats

Coloured Pencils for All: Comprehensive Guide to Drawing in Colour