books by subject

Parenting Under Pressure: Prison

The Air Fryer Cookbook UK 2023

Yoga Games for Children: Fun and Fitness with Postures, Movements and Breath

Effective Parents/Responsible Children

Too Small To Ignore: Why Children are the Next Big Thing

Baby Massage


How to Conceive Healthy Babies: the natural way

Building Self-Esteem in Children

Battle Hymn Of A Bewildered Mother

Just Babies: The Origins of Good and Evil

Children, Citizenship and Environment: Nurturing a Democratic Imagination in a Changing World

Ghosts from the Nursery: Tracing the Roots of Violence

It Hurts You Inside: Children Talking About Smacking

Coercion and Punishment in Long-Term Perspectives

Dad Stuff: Shedloads of Ideas for Dads

"Involved" Fathering and Child Well-Being: Fathers' Involvement with Secondary School Age Children

The Evidence-based Parenting Practitioner's Handbook

Authoritative Parenting: Synthesizing Nurturance and Discipline for Optimal Child Development

Handbook of Parenting: Volume 4: Social Conditions and Applied Parenting, Second Edition

Handbook of Parenting: Volume 3: Being and Becoming a Parent, Second Edition

Expecting: Everything You Need to Know about Pregnancy, Labour and Birth

Easy Exercises for Pregnancy

An Anglo-Welsh Teaching Dynasty: The Adams Family from the 1840s to the 1930s

The Good Granny Guide: Or How to Be a Modern Grandmother

What To Expect The 1st Year [rev Edition]

Brilliant Parent: What the best parents know, do and say (Brilliant Lifeskills)

Try and Make ME!: Simple Strategies That Turn off the Tantrums and Create Co-Operation

How to Help Children Find the Champion Within Themselves