books by subject
Particle & High-Energy Physics

Fracture Mechanics: 62 (Lecture Notes in Applied and Computational Mechanics, 62)

The Ideas of Particle Physics: An Introduction for Scientists

Elusive: How Peter Higgs Solved the Mystery of Mass

EUREKA!: Physics of Particles, Matter and the Universe

The Void

The Particle Zoo: The Search for the Fundamental Nature of Reality

Massive: The Hunt for the God Particle

A Map of the Invisible: Journeys into Particle Physics

Facts and Mysteries in Elementary Particle Physics

1st Karl Schwarzschild Meeting on Gravitational Physics: 170 (Springer Proceedings in Physics, 170)

Analytical Methods for Nonproliferation (Advanced Sciences and Technologies for Security Applications)

Particles and Fundamental Interactions: An Introduction to Particle Physics (Undergraduate Lecture Notes in Physics)

Particles and Fundamental Interactions: Supplements, Problems and Solutions: A Deeper Insight into Particle Physics: 0 (Undergraduate Lecture Notes in Physics)

Differential Geometry and Mathematical Physics: Part II. Fibre Bundles, Topology and Gauge Fields (Theoretical and Mathematical Physics)

Advances in Algebraic Quantum Field Theory (Mathematical Physics Studies)

Noncommutative Geometry and Particle Physics (Mathematical Physics Studies)

Quantization, Geometry and Noncommutative Structures in Mathematics and Physics (Mathematical Physics Studies)

Perturbative Algebraic Quantum Field Theory: An Introduction for Mathematicians (Mathematical Physics Studies)

Cosmological Applications of Algebraic Quantum Field Theory in Curved Spacetimes: 6 (SpringerBriefs in Mathematical Physics, 6)

X-rays for Archaeology

Dark Matter and Dark Energy: A Challenge for Modern Cosmology: 370 (Astrophysics and Space Science Library, 370)

Beam-Wave Interaction in Periodic and Quasi-Periodic Structures (Particle Acceleration and Detection)

Model of the Response Function of CUORE Bolometers (Springer Theses)

Search for the Higgs Boson in the Vector Boson Fusion Channel at the ATLAS Detector (Springer Theses)

Quantum Physics, Mini Black Holes, and the Multiverse: Debunking Common Misconceptions in Theoretical Physics (Multiversal Journeys)

Engineering of Scintillation Materials and Radiation Technologies: Selected Articles of ISMART2018: 227 (Springer Proceedings in Physics, 227)

Basics of Thermal Field Theory: A Tutorial on Perturbative Computations: 925 (Lecture Notes in Physics, 925)

Nb3Sn Accelerator Magnets: Designs, Technologies and Performance (Particle Acceleration and Detection)

Inorganic Scintillators for Detector Systems: Physical Principles and Crystal Engineering (Particle Acceleration and Detection)