books by subject
Pastoral Counseling

Crisis Counselling: Caring for People in Emotional Shock (New Library of Pastoral Care)

Rediscovering the Ministry of Blessing

Counselling In The Pastoral And Spiritual Context (Counselling in Context)

A Healing Fellowship: Guide to Practical Counselling in the Local Church

Counselling in Context: Developing a Theological Framework (Handbooks of Pastoral Care)

The Pastoral Encounter: Hidden Depths in Human Contact (Handbooks of Pastoral Care)

Hope in Pastoral Care and Counseling

Pastoral Care and Social Conflict: Essays in Honor of Charles V. Gerkin

Empathy and Confrontation in Pastoral Care

Pastoral Diagnosis

Listening for the Soul: Pastoral Care and Spiritual Direction (Integrating Spirituality Into Pastoral Counseling)

A Primer in Pastoral Care (Creative Pastoral Care & Counseling S.)

Theology for Better Counseling: Trinitarian Reflections for Healing and Formation (Christian Association for Psychological Studies Books)

Ministry of Gods Word