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Pathology Textbooks

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Chromatin and Disease: 41 (Subcellular Biochemistry, 41)

By Kundu, Tapas K., Dasgupta, Dipak

Modelling Potential Malaria Spread in Germany by Use of Climate Change Projections: A Risk Assessment Approach Coupling Epidemiologic and ... (SpringerBriefs in Environmental Science)

By Schröder, Winfried, Schmidt, Gunther


By Sharon, Nathan, Lis, H.

Microbiology in Clinical Practice

By Shanson, D. C.

Pathology Recall (Recall Series)

By Lorne H. Blackbourne, Anikar Chhabra

Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology: v. 1

By Bergey, David Hendricks, Holt John G. editor in chief., Holt, John G., Krieg, Noel R.

Mechanisms of Microbial Disease

By Schaechter, Moselio

Understanding Disease: A Health Practitioner's Handbook

By John Ball MBBS, Misha Norland FSHom

Bergey's Manual of Determinative Bacteriology

By Holt, John G.

Microbiology and Immunology (Board Review Series)

By Johnson, Arthur G., etc., Zeigler, Richard, Fitzgerald, Thomas J., Lukasewycz, Omelan, Hawley, Louise

Notes on Medical Microbiology: Including Virology, Mycology and Parasitology

By Ward, Katherine N., McCartney, A. Christine, Thakker, Bishan

Markell and Voge's Medical Parasitology, 9e

By John MSPH PhD, David T., Petri Jr. MD PhD, William A.

Antiviral Chemotherapy (Biochemical & Medicinal Chemistry S.)

By White, Colin, Challand, Stanley Richard, Young, Robert John

Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology for the Massage Therapist

By Darien Pritchard, Su Fox

Receptor Autoradiography: Principles and Practice (Modern Methods in Pathology S.)

By Wharton, John, Polak, Julia M.

Antiobiotic Resistance: Origins, Evolution, Selection and Spread: No.207 (Novartis Foundation Symposia)

By Chadwick, Derek J., Goode, Jamie A.

Genetics of Bacterial Diversity

By Hopwood, David A.

Coming Plague, The

By Laurie Garrett, Garrett, Laurie

Colour Atlas of Histopathology (Oxford Medicine Publications)

By Curran, R.C.

Methods for Field Trials of Interventions against Tropical Diseases: A `Toolbox'

By Smith, P. G., Morrow, Richard H.

Clinical Microbiology, Seventh Edition

By Ridgeway, G.L, Wren, M, Stokes, D.E

Tropical and Geographical Medicine

By Warren, Kenneth S., Mahmoud, Adel A. F.

Paediatrics in the Tropics

By Hendrickse

Medical Microbiology: Practice of Medical Microbiology v. 2

By Mackie, T.J., McCartney, J.E., Cruickshank, Robert, etc.

Pathophysiology Made Incredibly Easy! (Incredibly Easy! Series)

By Springhouse

Problem-orientated Clinical Microbiology and Infection

By Humphreys, Hilary, Irving, WILLIAM, Hart, C A

Medical Microbiology: with STUDENT CONSULT Online Access, 7e

By Murray PhD, Patrick R., Rosenthal PhD, Ken S., Pfaller MD, Michael A.

Microbiology: A Clinical Approach

By Strelkauskas, Anthony, Edwards, Angela, Fahnert, Beatrix, Pryor, Greg, Jennifer

Virology,: An Illustrated Colour Text

By Stephen Korsman

The Staphylococci in Human Disease (CPT)

By Crossley MD, Kent B., Archer MD, Gordon L.