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Pediatric Perinatology & Neonatology

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A Manual of Normal Neonatal Care

By Roberton, N. R. C.


By Roberton, N R C

Neonatal Intensive Care Nursing

By Boxwell (Connolly), Glenys

Motherhood Mental Health P (Oxford Medical Publications)

By Brockington, Ian

Babies and Young Children

By Illingworth, Ronald S., C.

Fetal Medicine: Basic Science and Clinical Practice

By Rodeck MB BS BSc DSc FRCOG FRCPath FMedSci, Charles H., Whittle MD FRCOG FRCP(Glas) Professor, Martin J.

Handbook of Obstetric Medicine, Fourth Edition

By Nelson-Piercy, Catherine

A Guide to Effective Care in Pregnancy and Childbirth

By Enkin, Murray W., etc., Keirse, Marc J.N.C., Chalmers, Iain, ENKIN MURRAY, KEIRSE M. J. N. C., CHALMERS IAIN

Birth Crisis

By Kitzinger, Sheila

Paediatric Respiratory Medicine

By Jeremy Hull, Julian Forton, Anne Thomson

Medical Care of Newborn Babies (Clinics in Developmental Medicine S.)

By Davies

Ethical Dilemmas for Critically Ill Babies: 65 (International Library of Ethics, Law, and the New Medicine, 65)

By Verhagen, Eduard, Janvier, Annie

Your Baby's First Year for Dummies

By Gaylord, James

The Newborn Child

By Vulliamy, David G.

Textbook of Neonatal Resuscitation

By AAP - American Academy of Pediatrics

Electronic Monitoring of Fetal Heart (Midwifery Practice Guide S.)

By Williams MA(Distance Education) BSc(Hons) SRN SCM ADM PGCEA, Jacqui

Newborn Life Support

By Richmond, Sam

Essentials of Neonatal Medicine

By Levene, Malcolm I., Tudehope, David I., Thearle, M. John

Neonatology and Paediatrics: Picture Tests (Colour Guide Picture Test S.)

By Hyer MB ChB MRCP, Warren, Thomas FRCP MB BS, Roslyn, Harvey MB FRCP DCH DObstRCOG, David R.

Neonatal Intensive Care: Principles and Guidelines

By Ulmer, H.E., Wille, L., Obladen, M., Merritt, A., Telger, T.C.

Neonatology (Colour Aids)

By Thomas, Roslyn, Harvey, David

Sick Newborn Baby

By Kelnar, Christopher J. H., Harvey, David R.

A Guide to Effective Care in Pregnancy and Childbirth (Oxford Medical Publications)

By Enkin, Murray, Neilson, James, Keirse, Marc J. N. C.

Handbook of Obstetric Medicine

By Nelson-Piercy, Catherine

Guidelines for Perinatal Care (Guidelines for Perinatal Care (Aap/Acog))

By ACOG Committee on Obstetric Practice, AAP Committee on Fetus and Newborn, Stark, Ann R., Riley, Laura E.

Neonatology (A Lange Clinical Manual)

By Gomella, Tricia Lacy, etc.

Fetal and Neonatal Secrets

By Polin MD, Richard A., Spitzer MD, Alan R.

Physical Diagnosis in Neonatology

By Mary Ann Fletcher

Fetal Monitoring in Practice

By Gibb, Donald M. F., Arulkumaran, Sabaratnam

The Newborn Child, 9e

By Johnston MB FRCP FRCPCH<br>MD MA, Peter G. B., Flood, Kristie, Spinks, Karen