books by subject
Pentecostal Protestants

Breaking Soul Ties

Forbidden Revolutions: Pentecostalism in Latin American Catholicism in Eastern Europe

Fire from Heaven: Rise of Pentecostal Spirituality and the Reshaping of Religion in the Twenty-first Century

Proclaiming the Scandal

The Torch and the Sword

Shaping History through Prayer and Fasting

I Experienced a Miracle


Healing the Whole Man Handbook: Effective Prayers for Body, Soul, and Spirit: Effective Prayers for Body, Soul, and Spirit (Revised)

Smith Wigglesworth Devotional

Smith Wigglesworth on Spirit Filled Living

Greater Works: Experiencing God's Power

Happy Intercessor

Strangers to Fire: When Tradition Trumps Scripture

Charismatic Gifts in the Early Church

Ghana's New Christianity: Pentecostalism in a Globalising African Economy

The God Chasers: My Soul Follows Hard After Thee

Miracle Work - A Down-to-Earth Guide to Supernatural Ministries

Do What Jesus Did - A Real-Life Field Guide to Healing the Sick, Routing Demons and Changing Lives Forever

The Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire: What Happens When God's Spirit Invades the Heart of His People

The Gifts and Ministries of the Holy Spirit

Smith Wigglesworth Only Believe

The Shot Caller: A Latino Gangbanger's Miraculous Escape from a Life of Violence to a New Life in Christ

Ever Increasing Faith

A Divine Revelation of Heaven

Free Indeed

Christ the Healer


Healing Through Deliverance: The Foundation and Practice of Deliverance Ministry