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Performing Arts Books for Young Adults

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Filming a Blockbuster (Behind the Scenes)

By Peter Mellett

Sport and Entertainment (Question & Answer Encyclopedia)

By Williams, Brian

The Mill on the Floss (Cambridge Literature)

By Eliot, George, Taylor, Lib

Circuses Through the Ages: 19 (Signpost Library)

By Jenkins, A.C., Peppe, Mark

Autumn and Winter Festivals (Themes for Early Years)

By Court, Carole

Silly Riddles (Picture Kingfisher)

By Brown, Mik

Livewire Shakespeare Henry V

By Page, Phil, Pettit, MARILYN

Global Questions: Is the Media Too Powerful?

By David Abbott

Making Science Work: The Movies (Paperback)

By Rowe, Julian

Media Focus: Radio (Cased)

By Self, David

Cambridge Student Guide to Twelfth Night (Cambridge Student Guides)

By Gibson, Rex

Festivals Through the Year: Spring (Cased)

By Ganeri, Anita

Dawson's Creek Myst 2:Bayou Blues (Dawsons Creek Mysteries)

By Tigelaar, Liz

Disney's "Dinosaur": Book of the Film (Disney: Film & Video S.)

By Disney

So You Think You Know: So You Think You Know Dr Who

By Gifford, Clive

Cambridge Wizard Student Guide The Age Of Innocence (Cambridge Wizard English Student Guides)

By Mayr, Ernst, Pope, Marcia

Let's Go to a Television Studio (Let's Go S.)

By Graham, Alison

Captain America The Ultimate Guide to the First Avenger

By Matt Forbeck, Alan Cowsill, Daniel Wallace, Lee, Stan

Fun and Facts Book (Flipper)

By Max, David

Solo Star (Fame School)

By Jefferies, Cindy

Special Effects (Clash): No. 37

By Dan Edwards

The Prince of Egypt: The Movie Scrapbook (Picture Puffin S.)

By Lewis, Tommi

"SM: TV Live" (Annuals)

By Anon

Marvel Guardians of the Galaxy The Ultimate Guide to the Cosmic Outlaws

By Jones, Nick

Cambridge Student Guide to Hamlet (Cambridge Student Guides)

By Gibson, Rex

Cambridge Student Guide to King Lear (Cambridge Student Guides)

By Flower, Celeste

Opening Up the Airwaves (Initiatives S.)

By Proudlock, Rosanna

Very Easy Piano Tunes (Usborne)

By Anthony Marks, Marks, Anthony

Make an Animation! (Find Your Talent)

By Levete, Sarah

Find Your Talent: Make a Film!

By Pipe, Jim