books by subject

Dictionary of Petroleum: Exploration, Drilling and Production

Chemicals in the Oil Industry,: 45

Oil 101

The Seven Sisters: Great Oil Companies and the World They Made (Coronet Books)

Fool's Gold: The Story of North Sea Oil

The Prize: The Epic Quest for Oil, Money & Power

Science Matters: Course S280: The Rise and Fall of Leaded Petrol

Offshore Pipelines

Spectral Analysis in Engineering,: Concepts and Case Studies

Water: Life in Every Drop

Hydrocarbon Exploration & Production (Developments in Petroleum Science): Volume 55

Fundamentals of Oil and Gas Accounting

Principles of Petroleum Development Geology (Prentice Hall Petroleum Engineering Series)

Geology of Petroleum (Foundation Commemorative Edition Series)

Drilling Data Handbook

Integrated Reservoir Studies

Well Testing: Interpretation Methods (Collection des Cours de l'ENSPM.)

Essentials of Reservoir Engineering

Arctic Petroleum Geology: Memoir 35 (Geological Society Memoir No. 35)

Special Publication 347: Reservoir Compartmentalization (Geological Society Special Publications)

Well Logging and Reservoir Evaluation

Drilling Engineering Handbook

Gaswell Testing : Theory Practice and Regulation

Offshore Engineering: Development of Small Oilfields

Log quality control

Cased-Hole Log Analysis and Reservoir Performance Monitoring

Petroleum Sedimentology

Petroleum Sedimentology

Seismic Exploration Methods