books by subject
Philosophical Aesthetics
Musical Meaning and Expression
Authenticities: Philosophical Reflections on Musical Performance
Music and the Emotions: The Philosophical Theories
Aesthetic Theory
Who Needs Classical Music?: Cultural Choice and Musical Values
An Introduction to Aesthetics
Musical Identities
Philosophy of Music: An Introduction
On The Musically Beautiful
The Concept of Music
Music, Imagination, and Culture
The Origin of Perspective
Six Facets Of Light
Introducing Aesthetics: A Graphic Guide
But Is It Art?: An Introduction to Art Theory
On Ugliness
On Beauty: A History of a Western Idea
The Architecture of Happiness
The Musical Representation – Meaning, Ontology, and Emotion (Bradford Books)
Language of Modern Music
Terrence Malick and the Thought of Film
Theatre/Ecology/Cognition: Theorizing Performer-Object Interaction in Grotowski, Kantor, and Meyerhold
The Move Beyond Form: Creative Undoing in Literature and the Arts since 1960
The Art of Reconciliation: Photography and the Conception of Dialectics in Benjamin, Hegel, and Derrida
The Artful Universe
The Nonsense of Kant and Lewis Carroll: Unexpected Essays on Philosophy, Art, Life, and Death
The Philosophy of Art
Bright Earth: The Invention of Colour