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Philosophy of Theology

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Earth Pilgrim: Conversations with Satish Kumar

By Satish Kumar, Rupert Sheldrake

AQA A Level Religious Studies: AS Philosophy of Religion

By Anne Jordan, Neil Lockyer, Edwin Tate

Laugh Again: WITH Flying Closer to the Flame AND The Mystery of God's Will

By Charles R. Swindoll

Knowing God: With Study Guide

By Packer, J.I.

Self-Reliance, the Over-Soul, and Other Essays

By Ralph Waldo Emerson

The Knowledge of the Holy (Authentic Classics) (Tozer Classics Series)

By Tozer, Aw, AW Tozer

Case for a Creator: A Journalist Investigates Scientific Evidence That Points Toward God

By Lee Strobel

Assurance: How to know you are a Christian

By J. C. Ryle

Quantum Description of High-Resolution NMR in Liquids

By Maurice Goldman (Physicist of Service de Physique du Solide et de Resonance Magnetique, Physicist of Service de Physique du Solide et de Resonance Magnetique, Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Saclay, France)

OCR Religious Ethics for AS and A2

By Jill Oliphant (Angley School, Kent, UK), Jon Mayled (Freelance Editor and Writer

Trinity and Truth

By Bruce D. Marshall (St Olaf College, Minnesota)

Prairie and Plains Indians

By Hultkrantz

My Revision Notes: AQA A2 Religious Studies: Religion and Ethics and Philosophy of Religion

By Richard Gray, Peter Cole

The Road Less Travelled And Beyond: Spiritual Growth in an Age of Anxiety

By M. Scott Peck

The Salt of the Earth: Religious Resilience in a Secular Age

By Very Revd Prof. Martyn Percy, Ian Markham (Hartford, Connecticut, USA)

The Language of God: A Scientist Presents Evidence for Belief

By Collins, Francis

Carl Jung and Maximus the Confessor on Psychic Development: The dynamics between the 'psychological' and the 'spiritual'

By G. C. Tympas (Greek Orthodox Church of St Cosmas and St Damian, London, UK)

How Can Mankind Find the Christ Again?

By Rudolf Steiner, G. Halin, Olin D. Wannamaker, etc.


By C. S. Lewis


By Roger Carswell

Sink or Swim: Catholicism in Sixties Britain through John Ryan's Cartoons

By Alana Harris, Isabel Ryan, John Ryan

Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion (Penguin Classics)

By Hume, David, Bell, Martin

Doing without Adam and Eve: Sociobiology and Original Sin

By Patricia A. Williams, RN, MSN, CCRN

Keeping the Faith

By Marie M Fortune

Rethinking Christ and Culture - A Post-Christendom Perspective

By Craig A. Carter

On Heaven and Earth - Pope Francis on Faith, Family and the Church in the 21st Century

By Bergoglio, Jorge Mario

Subversive Orthodoxy: Outlaws, Revolutionaries, and Other Christians in Disguise

By Robert Inchausti

Watching What We Watch: Prime-time Television Through the Lens of Faith

By Walter Davis, etc.

S Lewis vs the New Atheists

By Peter S Williams

On God and Christ: The Five Theological Orations and Two Letters to Cledonius

By Frederick Gregory of Nazianzus, Williams, Wickham