books by subject
Philosophy of Theology

Earth Pilgrim: Conversations with Satish Kumar

AQA A Level Religious Studies: AS Philosophy of Religion

Laugh Again: WITH Flying Closer to the Flame AND The Mystery of God's Will

Knowing God: With Study Guide

Self-Reliance, the Over-Soul, and Other Essays

The Knowledge of the Holy (Authentic Classics) (Tozer Classics Series)

Case for a Creator: A Journalist Investigates Scientific Evidence That Points Toward God

Assurance: How to know you are a Christian

Quantum Description of High-Resolution NMR in Liquids

OCR Religious Ethics for AS and A2

Trinity and Truth

Prairie and Plains Indians

My Revision Notes: AQA A2 Religious Studies: Religion and Ethics and Philosophy of Religion

The Road Less Travelled And Beyond: Spiritual Growth in an Age of Anxiety

The Salt of the Earth: Religious Resilience in a Secular Age

The Language of God: A Scientist Presents Evidence for Belief

Carl Jung and Maximus the Confessor on Psychic Development: The dynamics between the 'psychological' and the 'spiritual'

How Can Mankind Find the Christ Again?



Sink or Swim: Catholicism in Sixties Britain through John Ryan's Cartoons

Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion (Penguin Classics)

Doing without Adam and Eve: Sociobiology and Original Sin

Keeping the Faith

Rethinking Christ and Culture - A Post-Christendom Perspective

On Heaven and Earth - Pope Francis on Faith, Family and the Church in the 21st Century

Subversive Orthodoxy: Outlaws, Revolutionaries, and Other Christians in Disguise

Watching What We Watch: Prime-time Television Through the Lens of Faith

S Lewis vs the New Atheists