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Marxism and Social Science

By Gamble, Andrew, Marsh, David, Tant, Tony, Andrew Gamble, David Marsh, Parthasarathi Sensarma

The Cement of Society

By Elster

Eco-Socialism or Eco-Capitalism: A Critical Analysis of Humanity's Fundamental Choices

By Saral Sarkar

Nuts and Bolts for the Social Sciences

By Elster, Jon

Rights of Man, Common Sense, and Other Political Writings (Oxford World's Classics)

By Paine, Thomas, Philp, Mark

Natural Right and History (Walgreen Foundation Lectures)

By Strauss, Leo

Justice (Issues in political theory)

By Campbell, T.

The Future of Politics: With the Demise of the left/right Confrontational System

By Corfe, Mr Robert

Pathologies of Rational Choice Theory: A Critique of Applications in Political Science

By Green, .

Phenomenology and Sociology (Modern Sociological Readings)

By Luckmann, Thomas A.

Intelligence, Destiny and Education: The Ideological Roots of Intelligence Testing

By White, John

Child-Centred Education: And Its Critics

By Darling, John E M

War and the New Disorder in the 21st Century (Continuum Compact Series)

By Jeremy Black

The Number Sense: How the Mind Creates Mathematics

By Dehaene, Stanislas

Pride and Solace: Functions and Limits of Political Theory

By Jacobson, Norman

Truth, Errors, and Lies: Politics and Economics in a Volatile Word: Politics and Economics in a Volatile World

By Grzegorz Kolodko

From Max Weber: Essays in Sociology (Routledge Classics in Sociology)

By Max Weber, H. H. Gerth, C. Wright Mills, Bryan S. Turner

New Philosophies of Social Science (Theoretical Traditions in the Social Sciences)

By Outhwaite, WILLIAM

Somebody I Used to Know: A Richard and Judy Book Club Pick 2019

By Mitchell, Wendy

Philosophical Writing: An Introduction

By Martinich, A. P.

The Four Fundamental Concepts of Psycho-Analysis (Penguin Psychology S)

By Lacan, Jacques

Data-ism: Inside the Big Data Revolution

By Lohr, Steve

The Basics of Essay Writing

By Warburton, Nigel

Collective Choice and Social Welfare (Mathematical Economic Texts)

By Sen, Amartya K.

Love and the Soul: A Guide to Creating a New Future for Earth

By Sardello, Robert

Plato's Thought (University Paperbacks)

By Grube, G. M. A.

Senbazuru: Small Steps to Hope, Healing and Happiness

By Wong, Michael James

Role Playing and Identity: The Limits of Theatre as Metaphor (Studies in Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy)

By Bruce Wilshire

Escape from Reason (Pocketbooks)

By Schaeffer, Francis A.

The New Atheists: The Twilight of Reason and the War on Religion

By Tina Beattie