books by subject
Physical Anthropology

The Anthropology of Politics: A Reader in Ethnography, Theory, and Critique: 14 (Wiley Blackwell Anthologies in Social and Cultural Anthropology)

Feast: Why Humans Share Food

Dark Writing: Geography, Performance, Design (Writing Past Colonialism)

Visualizing Theory: Selected Essays from V.A.R., 1990-1994

What Shat That?: The Pocket Guide to Poop Identity

Theories of Race and Racism: A Reader (Routledge Student Readers)

Anti-Racism (Key Ideas (Routledge Paperback))

The Anthropology of Breast-feeding: Natural Law or Social Construct: v. 2 (Cross-cultural Perspectives on Women)

The Aquatic Ape Hypothesis: The Most Credible Theory of Human Evolution

The Territorial Imperative

Evolution: an introduction

Secrets Of El Dorado

Doing Visual Ethnography, Second Edition

Pandaemonium: Ethnicity in International Politics

Global Ethnography: Forces, Connections, and Imaginations in a Postmodern World

Hands: 9 (Princeton Science Library)

The Origins of the British: The New Prehistory of Britain

The Sexual Paradox: Troubled Boys, Gifted Girls and the Real Difference Between the Sexes

Between Five Lines : The development of ethnicity in Tanzania with special reference to the western Bagamoyo District.

Poodle Training: Dog Training for your Poodle puppy

The Iceman Inheritance: Prehistoric Sources of Western Man's Racism, Sexism and Aggression

Racism: v.6 (Issues S.)

Bicycling to Utopia: Essays on Science and Technology

Much Like Us: What Science Reveals about the Thoughts, Feelings, and Behaviour of Animals

The Xenophobe's Guide to the Americans (Xenophobe's Guides)

The Origin of Species

Mother without a Mask: A Westerner's Story of Her Arab Family

The Economics of Population Growth (Princeton Legacy Library, 5405)

The Last Neanderthal: The Rise, Success and Mysterious Extinction of Our Closest Human Relatives