books by subject
Physical Anthropology

Culturing Nerve Cells


Homo Britannicus: The Incredible Story of Human Life in Britain

Growing Up Human: The Evolution of Childhood

Human Evolution beyond Biology and Culture: Evolutionary Social, Environmental and Policy Sciences

In Search of Us: Adventures in Anthropology

Settling the Earth: The Archaeology of Deep Human History

Landscapes of Silence: From Childhood to the Arctic

The Seven Daughters Of Eve

How To Think Like a Neandertal

Extractive Industries and Ape Conservation

A Troublesome Inheritance: Genes, Race and Human History

The Fossil Chronicles: How Two Controversial Discoveries Changed Our View of Human Evolution

Understanding Human Evolution

World War II: The People's Story

Understanding Human Evolution

Patterned Ground: Entanglements of Nature and Culture

Cyprus: Ethnic Conflict and International Politics - From Independence to the Threshold of the European Union

Whitefella Jump Up: The Shortest Way to Nationhood

Beyond White Supremacy: Towards a New Agenda for the Comparative Histories of South Africa and the United States

Doing without Adam and Eve: Sociobiology and Original Sin

Anthropology and Contemporary Human Problems

Eurafricans in Western Africa: Commerce, Social Status, Gender, and Religious Observance from the Sixteenth to the Eighteenth Century

The Concept of Race in South Asia

Global Diasporas: An Introduction

Archaeology: The Basics

The Wake of the Unseen Object: Travels through Alaska's Native Landscapes

The History and Geography of Human Genes

Sense and Nonsense: Evolutionary Perspectives on Human Behaviour